【Event Settlement】Pray with poetry, use poetry to meet the situation

Here is to pray with poetry and publicize the results of community activities with poetry.

The longest community event in Matt's history (3.27-9.27) is finally over, thank you to all the participants and supporters.


Under the two tags of #praying with poetry# with poetry for the occasion , exclude articles related to the event itself (such as event proposals, monthly summaries), exclude articles outside the event time interval, and satisfy the requirement that there are poems + a paragraph of explanatory text + association Participation rules for proposal papers . In the end, there are a total of 90 participating papers. I will put the titles of these 90 articles in the comment area.

According to the bonus rules, all articles are divided equally by 40%, that is, 6152 likecoins, 68.35 per article.

The top five clapping hands will share 30%, that is, 4614 likecoins, 922 per article.

The five recommendation awards will be divided equally by 30%, that is, 4614 likecoins, 922 per article.

The winners of the applause award and the recommendation award are not repeated.

According to the excel statistics Matty sent me, the top five clapping hands are:

@Reading Pen Farming" Reading Pen Farming|#Applying Poetry to the Scene•Total in the Same Boat "The number of clapping hands is 453

"Reading Pen Cultivation | Heavy Five" clapping count 430

@Cat Travels[Erica]" When will the bright moon be there, with poetry and painting . 》Number of clapping hands 339

@catfish " Praying with Poetry | Looking for Love " clapping count 335

@ Kaihang Life " Applying Poetry to the Scene | Do You Choose the Road Less Traveled? " 324 clapping hands

However, because the rules of this event are that the same author cannot receive the applause award or recommendation award twice at the same time, so only the first article will be counted. The last place was filled to the sixth place of the applause:

@fide " Time is the flame that burns us " 299 claps

Here are the referral awards:

@Lola " Hu Xudong: It's the hordes of Astro Boys taking off again in the smog, looking for you in a note "

@MaryVentura " Book Review • Storytelling|Names that were obliterated during natural and man-made disasters should have become poetry, 7749"

@DrYuan. Tangyuan " The Power of Poetry Healing (1) ~ To a Tomorrow Where the War Is Not Extinguished "

@Product Poet " Ten Years of Leaving Hong Kong - Hometown in Another Country "

@Man Reading " Applying to the Scene with Poetry | Poppy Listening to the Rain, My Father "

In my selection criteria, in addition to the quality of the recommended poems and the writing style of the author's original parts, the most important thing is whether the connection between the poems and the passages is close. In addition, it also pays a little attention to include different types of poetry and articles, such as different languages, regions, eras, and themes. (But I suddenly found that these poems and words, without exception, are a little heavy.)

The five chapters are explained below.

"Hu Xudong: A group of Astro Boys took off again in the smog, looking for you in a note"

When the cold river washes over you, there is a person who keeps writing to you, and when the wind blows, he writes to you.
Our poems are bound together on lightning, but our people are scattered in the world, without sound.
The bright moon rises out of the Tianshan Mountains, among the vast sea of clouds.
I don't know who will put this sentence in their own poems today, and send him away like he used to send away his old friend ten years ago. Only in poetry can I imagine the days when they were still alive.

This article was written in memory of the poet Hu Xudong, who had just passed away at the time.

The very act of reading poetry is a memorial—a kind of occasion and prayer. There is an ingenious idea in Lola's text: it started with Ma Yan writing poems to mourn Ma Hua, then Hu Xudong wrote poems to mourn Ma Yan, and now, we read poems to mourn Hu Xudong - forming a recursion of mourning. Sadness is also the moving part of this article: every friend who has passed away is called, missed, and remembered in the text year after year. Lola's style is as usual, but because of such a theme or structure, it feels more like singing and sighing, lingering and wandering.

Similarly, @Jin (@who said that editors don't read) also has a participating article, mourn the poet Guanguan by reading poems. It is a pity that the editor left Matt City, and the past articles are no longer visible, so there is no way to take his tribute into the consideration of the award. (Community events can't be set too long, or the author may have left. I learned this lesson.)

In addition to this one, Lola's other participating article is also worth recommending: "Our hair is connected into a cloud lined up". I also wrote about it in my previous monthly summary.

"Book Review • Storytelling|Names that were obliterated during natural and man-made disasters should have become poems, 7749"

Fly away freely
When light arrives, offer your eyes
When wind arrives, offer your ears
"I want the reader to feel like there is nothing left after reading this collection of poems, as if reciting the multiplication table, seven seven forty nine. I want the poems to evaporate." -Kim Hyesoon
It's a bit like the description that Han Jiang started in "Human Acts", which is the feeling that the youth's soul has been rising on the piles of corpses, and finally floated away. Every poem is light, and it is rare to read a few shocking lines. Because every poem is every day, and at the same time, the poet is also describing the lively lives lost in the Shiyue shipwreck. However, why does this poem seem so difficult to leave traces in my heart? ?

This article is based on the poetry collection "Autobiography of Death" by Korean poet Kim Hyesoon, inscribed and prayed for all those who lost their lives in natural or man-made disasters in the world.

The engraving is carried out in an ironic way: the poems are torn away day by day like a calendar, and there is no trace of reading. Mary described the author as "to let the ghosts of collectivism emerge from poetry." Let those names that have been deliberately covered up show themselves in a more revealing way.

Mary recommends a collection of poignant poetry, always written with subtlety and forbearance. Another article "The Form of Poetry | Those Countable & Uncountable Pains in Asian Poetry" is also highly recommended.

"The Healing Power of Poetry (1) ~ To the Tomorrow When the War Is Not Extinguished "

To the tomorrow when the war is not out, please come gently for the sake of those soldiers who are tired physically and mentally
Subconsciously, I convinced myself that these are far away from us, and we have bid farewell to that uncivilized age. It was not until I found out that many of my friends who were close to my age in front of me were survivors of the war, that I understood more that "there is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden for you."
Sadly, even if these friends work harder or are more talented than others, there is still a lot of unfair treatment in front of them. For this group of people, the earth is not round, but stepped... Countries that are accessible to us by plane may be places that they will never be able to step into in a lifetime.

This one recommends a poem by British war poet Michael Longley. Tangyuan talks about the harm caused by war and the injustice of national boundaries.

It is said that it is prayer, in fact, it is not the occasion. It just reminds us that even if it is not on us or in front of us, it does not mean that war, suffering and misfortune do not exist with us.

" Ten Years After Leaving Hong Kong - A Hometown Away "

How about Lingnan? But he said: This place of peace of mind is mine.
When I first read this poem, I didn't understand the meaning of the poem. It is not until now that I remember the traces of the past ten years that I feel that people are in the destiny, like the plum blossoms in the snow. The only thing that can be done is to be at ease with the situation, and the place of peace of mind is my hometown. Rou Nu enters Lingnan, I leave Lingnan, both are the same reason.

The product poet uses Su Shi's "Ding Storm" to reflect his own experience of leaving Hong Kong and living in Australia, which is extremely appropriate.

Thousands of years later, human beings are more mobile and migratory, but their degree of freedom has not improved. The ancients were banished, and the modern people avoid Qin. In the end, they can only hone their skills in a foreign land and find common sighs and insights that span thousands of years in poetry.

" Applying to the Scene with Poetry | Poppy Listening to the Rain, My Father "

Now, listening to the rain, the monk's temple is already on the temples, and the stars are also sad and happy, and the reunion is always ruthless.
I still remember that when I was studying this Song Poetry in middle school, although I could not fully appreciate the artistic conception of the poem, I was very impressed by the picture outlined by this poem, as well as the mental level of "listening to the rain" at different ages.
Now, looking back at the poem, I feel that it fits my father's life course.

I chose this one mainly because the structure is interesting. Man reading uses Jiang Jieyi's poem "Yu Meiren" to progress in the chronological order, echoing his father's life course, and writing stories at different stages of life. From the high spirits of youth, to the hardships and ups and downs of adulthood, to the vicissitudes of life in old age.

The selection of the recommendation award is very subjective, and there is actually no shortage of poems or words that I like and struggle with. Sorry and sorry. If I could start all over, I would probably set up some more recommendation awards XD (Of course, more importantly, I won’t set the event time for so long. XD For half a year, there will be many changes in the ecology of the community, and some authors leave, The general number of clapping hands may also vary in different periods)

Finally, wait for@Matty to release the bonus, and then transfer it to everyone who participated! Thank you for your interest in this event~


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