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Lazy Evolution Part6 | How to cultivate reverse thinking?

Using procrastination and how to improve work efficiency to practice reverse thinking is not as difficult as you think. In fact, it is to dissect the problem and find the key!

Do you feel that every time you want to improve yourself, you will continue to procrastinate for various reasons, reduce your productivity, or even try to force yourself to turn off your phone, mute messages, etc.?

After a few days, it will return to its original state and continue to be affected by these external things, resulting in negative emotions such as low mood and frustration.

Step 1: Clarify the problem

Before starting to solve the problem, it is inevitable that you will have no clue. First clarify your core problem:

  1. How to improve work efficiency?
  2. How not to procrastinate?

Step 2: Think backwards

Try to reverse the problem of step 1, which is equivalent to improving efficiency!

  1. " What would reduce efficiency? "
  2. " What makes me want to procrastinate? "

For example: watching novel videos, funny memes, watching gossip forums, TV shows.

Step 3: Identify the key points and essence

It is not difficult to find that they have one thing in common, that is, " to attract your attention ", so that you will keep watching and bring more advertising revenue to the platform and channel.

As another example, people need faster horses, so there are cars, trains, and high-speed rails, but the essence remains the same. People just want to get to their destination in a faster way.

Step 4: List Solutions

After thinking about it, you may be able to try the following methods:

  1. Before doing anything, isolate your phone, tablet, and Internet from your room.
  2. Make a to-do list in advance and use apps that focus on learning.
  3. Tell your friends who are constantly gossiping with you, your family members who are always looking for your help, that you need to get busy first.

Congratulations! You've learned to use reverse thinking, but it's just a small problem-solving process

If we encounter major decisions in life (admission to higher education, job hunting, buying a house, investing, starting a business...), we must find the best solution, and in order to avoid unintended negative consequences, we will use "second-order thinking" to Help make decisions.

second-order thinking

In a well-known case recorded in Australian history, some people introduced rabbits that were not available in Australia for hunting, but ignored that "rabbits have no natural enemies in Australia", so the rabbits multiplied, causing soil erosion, forests and orchards being eaten, and the People cause a lot of trouble.

So we have to think about three questions

  1. Is it too good to imagine?
  2. Is there a big gap between the expected results and other people's ideas?
  3. Have you completed your previous research homework?

Remember to be well thought out. After all, no one wants to spend time and effort, only to find that they have made a big miscalculation in their decision-making, resulting in serious consequences of tragic losses.

In addition, if you see information that differs from your own thoughts and viewpoints while doing your research, don’t ignore or resist it, it may be of great help to your decision.

In the future, the lazy bookshelf will not only share self-improvement articles and podcasts, but will also lead you to escape from your comfort zone, understand world trends and industry analysis , expand your horizons, and give your thinking a more comprehensive view of the overall situation, so that you will not be limited by a narrow circle of knowledge. limit.

In addition, there are investment and financial management, the use of computer software teaching, to improve your hard power.

If you are interested, you can go to my IG , personal website to find more resources

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