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[An article that inspired me] Settlement report | Top 20 announced

Thank you for your participation, congratulations to all the winners, and thank you Matty for your great help, thank you!

First of all, I would like to thank @Matty for helping me calculate the number of new claps and supports for each article. Since each article is submitted at a different time, the new start date of each article is different, and Matty's The difficulty of the work, in addition to thanks, also introspective if there is any event in the future, you should think of a scoring method to reduce Matty's burden. Before that, I thanked Matty for being very efficient and providing me with data within a day, and also caring for me. Good points and ranking, thank you very much! ! !

The following is a list of the top 20 recommended articles this time:

top twenty list

Since the font in the picture above is a bit small, I will list the recommenders and recommended articles below, in order of ranking.

1st to 10th place: (3000 Likecoin per person)

@Qijiwen " An article that inspired me"|<Away from anxiety|I have to live for myself once>

@shuhuan An article that inspired me | Yao Nianguang "Bad Cram Course"

@一青 An article that inspired me - Met Taiwan in Copenhagen (By Danielson in the fairytale kingdom of Denmark)

@Ferret Pen Broad Noodles Ferret Observation|Gift from Matt City

@guchen An article that inspired me: "What is offered to people is a dessert"

@kaihang lifeAn article that inspired me| You can't compromise with life without trying hard, and the longer you work hard, the less you can't compromise.

@White hair pokes An article that inspired me|The ferret pen wide noodles "Teach you how to rub the heat 2.0"

@Reading Pen Farming  Reading Pen Farming|#Enlightenment• I don't know what to write, what should I do?

@ Zuixuetang An article that inspired me | silm's waiting

@taolesi An article that inspired me: "Four Months of Experience and Income Curve and Platform SEO Optimization Suggestions"

11th to 20th: (1500 Likecoin per person)

@Danielson recommends "an article that inspired me" in the kingdom of fairy tales, Denmark - a turning point in my life // my child, who is different from others (By the little things of chicken feathers)

@si Kaor An article that inspired me | You will be fine

@wubi  Your ideal is not mine

@王太仙森|Digital Reasoning, Interpretation of Soul Fragments Promotion [ Community Activities|An Article That Inspired Me] Hostile Design in Hong Kong

@北小鱼An article that inspired me|Becoming a more honest person in words (By fide)

@Livia An article that inspired me|Dream World Diary Information Page: Common Dream Vocabulary About Mousha

@ManReading Articles that inspired me | Sunline: What is the purpose of your establishment of We Media?

@ Four Seasons Community Treasure Digging Activity|"An Article That Inspired Me"

@Esther Miller An article that inspired me | There are three kinds of people on the love highway

@Lola  Old Text Reread | The Metoo Dilemma: The Unfinished Construction of Legitimacy

The rest of the participants after 20 will share 5000 Likecoin equally, and each can get 277 Likecoin.

After @Matty confirms that there is no problem with the settlement report and receives the bonus, it will be sent to the winners as soon as possible in the form of a support article. Thanks again to all citizens and friends for your participation, thank you!


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許多朋友們都說跟婷婷聊天很有療癒效果,不是因為我多會安慰人也不是我有什麼特殊的技巧,大概是我擁有異於常人的樂觀,總是能讓原本抱有煩惱的人瞬間感到豁然開朗,歡迎大家把問題發送給我,我將會在這裡以匿名的方式回覆,若是沒有特別的來信,我就會以分享日常生活中大大小小的經驗與觀點為主,目前圍爐文章預設為全部公開,有必要會手動設定限時上鎖。 點以下聯絡我: https://t.me/tingting1123

