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Happy cattle new year began to understand.

I recently listened to the opinion of a writer on the radio and began to understand.

Parents want you to get to know your children. If you are too lazy to listen to your child's voice, please don't use your opinion to restrict your child's thoughts on their own life.

I began to understand whether I understand or disagree with this matter, even if you are so close by blood, if the values are in two different worlds and have different opinions on things, the other party cannot accept it, in fact, there is really no need to chat reluctantly.

Maybe you want to share your life, daily life, career, values, life ideas with the other party, but you will easily find that the other party is not interested or completely omits the communication process and is rejected. In fact, it does not matter, why not chat Talk about other things, talk about serial dramas, talk about food, talk about how to cook this New Year's dish, talk about each other's advantages (compliment each other from head to toe, and then leave the scene at the right time ^^ ), no need to force the other party to enter and not be interested or disagreement forums. Don’t let yourself be sad or frustrated after talking about the wrong topic or expecting too much. The other party may not be happy!

As long as you eat two more bites of the meal the other party cooks for you, remember to say thank you, thank you for your hard work .

The best thing you can get along with each other is probably just company. Just accompany you quietly!

This year, I didn’t go home for the New Year’s Eve due to the epidemic. Although I lacked delicious New Year’s Eve dinner and face-to-face company, my heart was relieved and much more relaxed. Some people will go home happily during the Chinese New Year, but go back to their own lives unhappy.

Gradually understand, it may be the wrong day, forgetting that simple company is better than everything, too many words will disintegrate your original feeling of going home full of happiness.

Happy Chinese New Year. Happy Chinese New Year.

It turns out that people will become gentle, it is clear to understand. Why get excited for a reason. Tomorrow is my own, start to understand, happiness is a choice. - Stefanie Sun


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