What you desire, life will give you.

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Book: "Live Your Original Factory Settings" by Su Yuxin

Live out your factory settings

Do you like your body? Do you like a certain part of your body? I just heard a video today. When you keep feeling that you need to lose weight, need to adjust, and keep criticizing yourself, the cells of the whole body will receive negative messages. I like this part of the book that opens a dialogue window with the body. We usually have some judgments about our physical shortcomings, but when you try to relax your body after taking a bath, through the contact and comfort of every part of the body, healing self and heal the wounds of past external evaluations. If there is an uncomfortable feeling in the process of touching, we can open the dialogue window, put warm hands on that part, identify the inner feeling and start accepting it again, loving it as it is.

Treat your body and your heart in a gentle way.


We are our most powerful hypnotists, brainwashing ourselves with 7,000 to 10,000 words every day. If all this is filled with resentment, criticism, and curses against ourselves, I believe that this energy must be powerful enough to shake your exterior. in life.
We don't need to reject this self who is prone to negative thinking. As long as we light the light of "awareness" in our hearts from this moment, you can "catch yourself and then practice "in other words" during the habitual self-denial.
You are no longer saddened by the regrets of the "past" or kidnapped by the anxiety and worry of the "future", and you are more free to return to the "present" at any moment you want and enjoy life.
Let yourself become more and more "complete" rather than "perfect", have both the ordinary and the unique. If we can tame our hearts, you can feel the beauty of the ordinary and the unique at the same time, without having to suffer between the two. struggling.
The "altruistic" nature will make us naturally pay attention to the needs of others, and we will also feel gratified and self-valued after helping others.
If you feel that in the workplace, you often need to "correct your shortcomings" or "change into another" to cooperate with everyone, this is a message that cannot be ignored. It is trying to tell you that this is not an equal position.
What you dare to desire, life will give you.
You have a bright side, and there must also be a backside that cannot be illuminated. These are all you, and they all need your attention.


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