non-kang, non-kang

This is the last mark. I'm so tired~~~~

Who said Matt City has been colder lately? This article, I think it can be warmer, warm enough to clap or support, and let Brother Stone do charity.

This is what I mentioned at the end of the last article [ No | Ten Non Ten ], and this is the summary of the report to you.

The settlement is as follows: a total of 394like coim, HKD 30, everyone's support has been transferred to Brother Stone. This warmth has been passed on forever~

Thank you: @白boat, @林林槝, @stone brother, @volunteer grandfather, @small sun's star and heart, @j sister loves black cat, @blue sky , @Flora Whimsy, @shuman , @Beck, @Sappho, @henry w, @青blue @Angela Chen, @石岛子, @Endless The journey of , @无, @Louisa Lien, @揮yanmama🌱, @七月流火@Shakana support.

Plus, the real difficulty here.

Those of you who clap your hands, convert it into coins, and I will give this warmth to Brother Shishi.

A total of 471coins are calculated in liker land. A total of 80 friends clapped hands, 390 clapping hands.

Thank you for clapping your hands: @Sila's Whiskey, @Witch Pen, @Cat Traveling [Erica], @Jason, @reading pen farming, @dust, @cool little wolf 🐺Wolf's Footsteps🐾, @生一回º YOLO,@Doomsday Poison, @夏夜, @天马行空, @ellie,@cater, @ 文生, @维斯, @coco,@ziqian , @Momo is already on the way, @關嘉郎, @ , @yingqi, @There are new experiences every day, @Kurten, @DrunkenDonkey, @Polk, @銀泀編, @yellow-skinned Gypsy Ruth, @cat's eye sees the world,@mututu , @VickyLi, @小沑Bambi, @sisite, @qiqi, @I am Ah Yong, @亚小工, @ouxiduli, @Root Uncle |No longer in Muri, @Amelie from Mars, @fangxinslowpen, @vodkalemon, @adrop of the sea, @mrpointp, @mrspointm, @Laura Tang , @CosmosPrincess , @sunmoon , @sky2021 , @Sky Lan, @xia Zuoshang, @haochuan, @VC, @chenfuziChenfuzi, @LilyChen, @ Cathiest,@Forest Song, @AllenShare What Mao, @思湜, @Red Sweater, @private house, the Wanhua mirror of the world, history, and people.

Some of the above are old friends, and some are friends that Red has not followed. Thank you for your clapping. I will continue the warmth of this clapping.

Thanks Matt City for checking out the Appreciation function key, I've been hitting those marks for another hour~~

 "Thank you for your enthusiastic support, but really don't give up and let yourself lose the motivation to move forward!
Grateful, because of you! "

▲ Brother Stone told me this in the message.

 "Brother Stone, because this article is to demonstrate the warmth of Matt City, it is mentioned in the article that all the support obtained in this article should be given to you for charity.
After waiting for my next article to appear, I will resume the past. I have not been able to support other authors these days, and I am not used to it. I am still working hard towards "10,000 articles"! Although there are only 1024 chapters now..."

▲ This is my reply.

Although this is not an event, let alone a charity performance, it is just a small fire.

By the way, I would like to publicize Brother Stone's appreciation for the light of disadvantaged children in remote villages. When you don't know what to use for your coin, support your favorite article or put her in the hands of anyone for good. Thank you~

The URL is wrong, but it cannot be edited, please check the keywords of Shitou, or refer to the top message of ten non ten ^_^

Huh, I can finally take a break~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!