
射手座,全職媽咪/斜槓寫作者/新性感雜誌共同創辦人 喜愛音樂、電影,更熱愛閱讀,資訊焦慮症患者 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083298701145 方格子:https://vocus.cc/user/5d4b0ef1fd89780001fc7e91

Big Brother: Sadder than a period

This book is not only about life and death, but also about family and life. Even if the cruel reality makes people feel embarrassed, it may also be covered with unnoticeable warmth. Although the story written by the master seems to be bloody, it is true. microcosm of society.
Image source: Jinshitang

I believe that many people have heard of the character of the master, and he is indeed a very successful amateur writer among the amateur writers that Aquarius Culture has excavated in recent years. This is the second book of the master (the first is "Hello, I am a bodybuilder"), which is also the first time I read the works of the master.

There are many industries that Big Brother has worked in, such as supermarket clerks, attendants, and also opened a chicken chop shop. Finally, he wrote the story of working in a funeral home at PTT and attracted attention. Similarly, this book also describes how Big Brother worked in a funeral home. Many life-and-death topics seen at work, without excessive sadness and sensationalism, but carefully depicting many scenes and feelings, coupled with humorous brushstrokes, have made each article. It is said that Big Brother has not graduated from university and does not like to read books, but the manuscripts he handed in hardly require editing and revision . I was very curious about this before reading Big Brother’s works, but after reading Big Brother’s writings, I believe it is true. Yes, because Big Brother’s story doesn’t need gorgeous words or adjective embellishments at all. Just describing things and characters is a story. The most valuable thing is the “feeling” that a creator needs. "Thinking" and "thinking" are fully revealed in the words of the master , and it is not because of this industry that sees life and death that he has lost his curiosity about people and reflection on things.

I almost finished reading this book in one breath. I have to say that the big brother is a natural storyteller. I think this is a kind of talent . It is not enough to have rich story materials. It is amazing to be able to connect one thing to another and use a fascinating narrative method to make people interested. I believe that the reason why a person can be loved by everyone is absolutely. Not just because he has a unique life experience, he also needs to have precise expression skills to make himself visible .

This book is not only about life and death, but also about family and life. Even if the cruel reality makes people feel embarrassed, it may also be covered with unnoticeable warmth . Although the story written by the master seems to be bloody, it is true. The epitome of society, we hope that through the regrets and sorrows that happen to others, we can be vigilant and think. Many times, when we have different choices, the outcome may be different.


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