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Lisa Mianya "Kyoto in the palm of your hand"|Leave, to love you again

A true confession from the youngest Akutagawa Prize winner in history to his hometown of Kyoto.
Image source: unsplash

The author of this book is the youngest Akutagawa Prize winner in history, Lisa Mianya, a tribute to her hometown "Kyoto". The title of the book uses the palm of your hand to describe Kyoto, surrounded by mountains and mountains, as if it is held in the palm of your hand. A very incredible magic, even if you leave, there will be a gentle force that will summon people back again. It is known as a "Kyoto User Manual", and it is also a warm love letter to Kyoto.

The book not only blends the customs, folk customs and beautiful scenery of Kyoto into the story, but also depicts the humanities and customs more profoundly. There are mothers who decided not to undertake cooking after retirement, fathers with mild personality, and monotonous work, eager to get married and have children. The eldest sister, the second sister who has a bright personality and a good appearance but has been bullied in the workplace, and the introverted and demure little sister who is eager to leave Kyoto to broaden her horizons, just like ordinary families, everyone has their own differences in work, love, and studies. The troubles, the sisters will also spit bitterness and take care of each other, just like Kyoto is located in the basin, but on the other hand, it makes people feel bound and unable to move.

What the author wants to express is that there may be an indescribable sense of occlusion in a place that everyone admires, and will it be sinful and unspeakable to leave a beautiful place? Can't you just leave because you want to like the place more? If we live in the same place all our lives, will we have regrets in our lives?

Every female character in the book resonates with me very much, and it also represents the portrayal of the mood of different ages. Among them, the family revolution that the little girl decided to take a job in Tokyo and almost staged is also very visual. The author puts parents and children together. The contradictions and entanglements in each other's hearts are very delicately portrayed, and the confession of the parents' willingness to sincerely wish is also very moving, especially the warm interaction and caring dialogue after the real separation reminds me of my past experiences and my parents often told me To be fed and clothed, the concern for me after leaving home is beyond words.

For strangers, the hometown is like a pair of gentle palms. No matter the four seasons, as long as we turn around and turn around, we can return to their arms again, like a gentle barrier being tightly cared for. It turns out that leaving is not to escape, but to love you again.

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