
射手座,全職媽咪/斜槓寫作者/新性感雜誌共同創辦人 喜愛音樂、電影,更熱愛閱讀,資訊焦慮症患者 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083298701145 方格子:https://vocus.cc/user/5d4b0ef1fd89780001fc7e91

The taste of oranges: the latest heart-warming healing work of Zhao Nanzhu, author of "Jin Zhiying Born in 1982"

It depicts the friendship story between the four girls, as sweet and sour as the taste of oranges.
Image credit: The Taste of Oranges
 Before I introduce this book, let me tell you a little episode. I originally returned the book to the library yesterday, and I took this book out to read when I had breakfast. Unexpectedly, I also returned this book to the library! Panicked, I went out to the library again to ask if I could borrow it again? The aunt at the original counter told me that it had been sorted and returned to the library where the books were originally collected. Later, she kindly helped me to try whether I could borrow it again, but it turned out to be successful. So I was grateful, and stepped up to put this book. The book has been read.

The author of this book is Zhao Nanzhu, who wrote "Jin Zhiying Born in 1982". It also depicts the friendship and growth path of the four girls from middle school to high school from a female perspective. It is a writing theme that fits the style of current social affairs. The book depicts four girls with different family backgrounds and life troubles. They also encountered problems of contradiction, friction, jealousy, and doubts in getting along with each other. The author wants to express that growth is actually a process of self-recognition. Lonely and painful, but can continue to move forward with the support of friendship, it is very visual to read.

The novel also brings the culture of further education and tutoring into the book, including the secular longing for star schools, parents who work hard to earn money to move into the star school district, etc. These are all criticisms and satires of the real society. However, girls The troubles are not only academic, but also the conflicts and contradictions in interpersonal relationships, which also tightly hold the emotions of the girls. They will hate a person for no reason, or think that they are excluded from others, and the sense of distance caused by distance after being divided into classes, etc. Wait, it may be insignificant in the eyes of adults, but it is a matter of great importance to girls.

What is more special is that the author's narrative method is suspenseful. In the end, the girls are jealous, framed, or suspicious of each other. They agreed to go to the same high school, but in fact, everyone's real thoughts did not really say. When they came out, everyone had their own measures and calculations in their hearts. Even though they made promises to each other, it seemed important and not important, but in the end, they were all loyal to their inner voices and chose what they thought was the best arrangement for them.

The process of everyone's growth is not like "orange", sour, sweet and rich. When you grow up and look back, even if it is not perfect, it is perfect.


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