
Matters' Guide to Catching Up: Include Reading Time Into Awards

The recent revision of Matt City, the reading time can be displayed in the list, so the reading time is also included in the award as one of the parameters.

Bonus 1: Everyone gets a prize, more work, more prizes

maintain the status quo

 X = upfront bonus + 3350 for prequel Matty multiple rounds
N = Number of submissions received at the end of the campaign Bonus per article = X / N

Bonus 2: 5 - 5 points of the applause award

After the revision, the number of clappings everyone harvested should be reduced. At the end of the event, the users who won this prize are likely to be in the majority before the revision.

But I can't think of any way to improve it, so I still keep the same as it is. If the final winners are the mainstream users before the revision, it is considered that they actively participated in the activities and arrived early.

 The top 50% of the articles with the number of clappings will be divided equally. If a user submits 2+ articles, the article with the most clapping will be used for calculation.

Bonus 3: New Points Algorithm 3612 LikeCoin

This award is calculated according to parameters. The 20 articles with the highest points will be divided into 3612 equally. For users with 2+ contributions, the article with the most points will be counted.

The calculation formula when the event is launched only involves clapping, support, discussion, and tracking parameters.

This award is easy to change, and the reading time is also awarded as a new parameter. Decrease the proportion of clapping and increase the proportion of reading, hoping to benefit the participants after the revision:

 Points = Claps X 0.2 + Supported Pens + Discussions X 0.5 + Reading Hours - Tracking X 0.1

Example of Points Algorithm: Matters' Guide to Chasing Dramas: Let's solve the case together

 Number of clapping hands: 211
Number of supported pens: 0
Number of discussions: 35
Reading time: 2.4 hours Authors tracked: 205

Current Points = 211 X 0.2 + 0 + 35 X 0.5 + 2.4 - 205 X 0.1 = 41.6

The parameters I arbitrarily make up, not necessarily scientific.

Bonus 123 can be obtained repeatedly.

The event was full of twists and turns, and it was coming to an end. The deadline for the event is still August 21, 2021 at 8:00 (GMT+8). Once the activity is over, data collection begins.

@奀雪Reincarnation of time ~ "One Day" (Korean movie) This article says it is a movie, and the movie event has ended for 2 months, so this article cannot be counted as a valid contribution.

Once again, changing the rules involves everyone's interests. @About all the participants, thank you for participating in the event, sorry for the inconvenience.

@Star Lights@Spring Leaves Blank @YC @Little Slash Engineer @Witch L@Cat slaves come to discuss shooting @Watching raving @Aku @ Witch Pen @Ma Sigao@shu Man @annepink Cheeky Bottle Bottle Bubble @ 國立顗馮嵬@False Straight Guy@Agnes Emotional Corner @ Zuixuetang @shuhuan@ huye 's internship log@qiqi@zhen xiao @qijiwen @ huitai 's nonsense @white hair poke it @Twisterella @Azure Sky@Wind Xiang Miles @sisite @Light Clear Sky @毛@ Ghost Hits the Wall @ yunxun83@Super Subjective Only Mind Theory @siri @一一A small tree@Charcoal Lang @Cherryyoko Cherryyoko @MiSa@Faithful to Writing@Jennifer@Chicken Feather's Little Things@guchen@Ferret Pen Wide Noodles @Juan @EmmaEmma@HaibaraAi @Battlefield IslanderKMnese @ Regret Making Machine@fangmami @小鱼@shooter mommy tingting@reading pen farming @White Difficulty @Xie Xuanmei @kaihang life @Danielson in fairy tale kingdom Denmark @Sky Galaxy

@ Come on @Matty, take a look when you have time 😅


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