【Conclusion of the call for papers】# Ghost Moon Let the Horse Come Over: Release the fear and share the supernatural stories hidden in your pockets

I'm very loose, what kind of borrowing is to play, as long as you have a little bit of supernatural sentences, the story has been given
Everyone, don't go out to the streets at night.

I'm old-school with manual settlement, so I count as soon as I'm done.

Still the same, thank you all for participating, allowing me to see different kinds of weird and wonderful things. I am very relaxed, what kind of borrowing and so on, as long as you have a little story about supernatural sentences, but there are also friends who do not meet the requirements, such as writing less than 500 words or not supernatural and unreasonable stories but practical essays, etc. If I see it before the deadline, I will try my best to inform the other party so that he/she can consider whether to write another one, but I can't see the related article or write the article the night before the deadline, I really can't save you. Rules are rules, and if there is no related article and then come to me and tell me that to accept you is to be unfair to other people.

As a reminder, the formula is:

(The number of articles supported x 10 times) + the number of claps = the bonus base

The following are in order of bonus base:

Top 10 Outstanding Awards: 50% of all bonuses will be shared among the top 10 winners with the highest bonus base

The number of clapping hands is 378, the number of support is 8, and the number of bonuses is 458 @沙猈[ Ghost moon let the horse come over] Six supernatural stories that happened to a certain Sha herself

The number of clapping hands is 298, the number of support is 7, the number of bonuses is 368 .

The number of clapping hands 266 the number of support 8 the bonus base 346 @cat traveling [Erica] Ghost moon is coming over | Resort hotel in the mountains

The number of clapping hands 284 The number of support 6 The bonus base number 344 @ yunxun83小yunxun share: twin sisters

The number of clapping hands is 332. The number of support is 0. The bonus base is 332.

The number of clapping hands is 225, the number of support is 9, the number of bonuses is 315 @CODENong's daily affairs-li Ghost moon let the horse come over| Who is that?

The number of clapping hands 283 the number of support 3 the bonus base 313 @guchen  ghost call~~~ Happy Father's Day

The number of clapping hands is 249, the number of support is 3, the number of bonuses is 279 @read pen farming reading pen farming|# Ghost Moon let the horse come over • Very ground!

The number of clapping hands is 241, the number of support is 2, and the number of bonuses is 261 @Manreading A trip to Sitiawan, Malaysia |A forgotten person, thing and time

The number of clapping hands is 241, the number of support is 2, and the number of bonuses is 261 @AzureSky Ghost moon come over│Will you be cold?

You have worked hard to award 42 people: all participants will distribute the remaining 50% of the event bonus according to the bonus base

The number of clapping hands is 252. The number of support is 0. The bonus base is 252.

The number of clapping hands is 223. The number of support is 2. The bonus base is 243.

The number of clapping hands is 222, the number of support is 2, the number of bonuses is 242 @個月好小燕子 Speechless against fear丨A momentary impulse becomes worse!

The number of clapping hands is 232, the number of support is 0, the bonus base number is 232 @星光光Community activities_Supernatural story / passing by Arbor

The number of clapping hands 201 the number of support 3 the bonus base 231 @Ferret Pen Wide Noodle Matters- Community Activities Play: The Ghost Story of the Ferret

The number of clapping hands is 216, the number of support is 0, the bonus base is 216 @小小lasher engineer Ghost moon let the horse come over│ An unnatural car accident experience

The number of clapping hands is 196. The number of support is 2. The number of bonuses is 216.

The number of clapping hands is 210, the number of support is 0, and the bonus base is 210.

The number of clapping hands is 205, the number of support is 0, the bonus base is 205 @奇奇文Ghost Moon let the horse come over|I would rather believe in the "yin and yang eyes"

The number of clapping hands is 185, the number of support is 2, and the number of bonuses is 205 @ellie Ghost moon let the horse come over - grandma in the sky

The number of clapping hands is 204, the number of support is 0, the bonus base is 204 @WitchL Ghost Moon let the horse come over/Mao Mao in the UK

The number of clapping hands is 194 and the number of support is 1. The bonus base is 204.

The number of clapping hands is 204, the number of support is 0, the bonus base is 204 @qiqi [ Small Novel] Strange Sound at Midnight

The number of clapping hands is 192, the number of support is 1, and the number of bonuses is 202 @a cat who can play the piano 【 Ghost Moon let the horse come over】Maybe he is just lonely...

The number of clapping hands is 188. The number of support is 1. The bonus base is 198.

The number of clapping hands is 177, the number of support is 1, and the number of bonuses is 187 @si 風 Ghost moon let the horse come over | One or two things that frighten me

The number of clapping hands is 166, the number of support is 1, the number of bonuses is 176  @Fishear  Staring at the ghost moon, the ghost moon will stare at you

The number of clapping hands is 170, the number of support is 0, the bonus base is 170 @Jennifer  Ghost Moon Story|Jingcheng Adventures

The number of clapping hands is 166, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 166 @hongyan southeast and northwest flying 【 Ghost Moon let the horse come over】Hometown nonsense said by Vietnamese students

The number of clapping hands is 166, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 166 @ Zuixuetang  Ghost moon let the horse come over|Ayi hello, go, personal experience of being a soldier

The number of clapping hands is 143, the number of support is 2, the number of bonuses is 163 @三月 Miss Ghost Moon let the horse come over|I seem to have lost something on this trip

The number of clapping hands is 155. The number of support is 0. The bonus base is 155.

The number of clapping hands is 152, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 152 @黒嘉郎 Ghost moon let the horse come over - A Lang's personal experience story

The number of clapping hands is 138, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 138 @susanli3769 [ Article Activity] Ghost? immortal?

The number of clapping hands 124, the number of support, 0, the bonus base 124 @Blue Liangliang [ Event] Ghost Moon let the horse come over |

The number of clapping hands is 117, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 117 @毛毳[ Event] Ghost Moon is coming over: camping

The number of clapping hands is 109, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 109  @Danielson is in the fairy tale kingdom Denmark, the ghost month is coming: ghost stories of the activities of the national salvation group

The number of clapping hands is 94, the number of support is 1, the number of bonuses is 104, and the voice comes from there .

The number of clapping hands is 100, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 100 @watching ravings  [ Event] Ghost Moon Brings Horses Over ─ Midnight Mountain Road Cry

The number of clapping hands is 95, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 95 @MiSa [ Community Activities|Ghost Moon Let the Horse Come Over] The Miracle of the Rose

The number of clapping hands 94 the number of support 0 the bonus base 94 @Sky Galaxy  Recruiting Games

The number of clapping hands is 82, the number of support is 0, the bonus base is 82 @MartyMarcy Real supernatural experience "listen" to ghost stories

The number of clapping hands is 75, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 75 @AOC [ Ghost moon is coming over] Christian spiritual insights

The number of clapping hands is 74. The number of support is 0. The bonus base is 74.

The number of clapping hands is 73, the number of support is 0, the bonus base number is 73  @Daily Adventure PhotographerElsieGet on the last train to the train station in Gaomei Wetland # Ghost Moon let the horse come over

Clap Count 71 Support Count 0 Bonus Base 71  @Jun That incident on August 17, 2017

The number of clapping hands is 65, the number of support is 0, the number of bonuses is 65 @Reita226The real event I encountered/Ghost moon is coming

The number of clapping hands is 64. The number of support is 0. The bonus base is 64.

Clap 62 Support 0 Bonus Base 62 @Shan. H  " Knock , Knock, Knock" Are you asleep?

The number of clapping hands is 53, the number of support is 0, the bonus base is 53 @王太仙森|Numerical reasoning, interpretation of soul fragments promotion  [ Community Activities|Ghost Moon Let the Horse Come Over] Friends

The number of clapping hands is 48, the number of support is 0, the bonus base number is 48 @游子Ghost moon let the horse come over│ Is it strange for me to be used to it?

The number of clapping hands is 30. The number of support is 0. The bonus base is 30.

The Worst Actor Award: I paid an extra 100 LikeCoin in addition to the event bonus, I said it was

The winner should be the father of @Jennifer… . I see bloodstains every day, and it’s too bad to be chased from China to Taiwan!

Pippi Setback Award: I paid an extra 100 LikeCoins in addition to the event bonus, I don't care if I say it

@陈家郎's real-life hospital story is too life-like, and this kind of daily life wandering about science or unscientific life is the most chilling to me.

The above is the conclusion of the event. I will not do any special story comments because ghost stories are exciting for everyone to see for themselves. In addition, everyone may wish to support some new citizens, they wrote very well! Since @Matty has not announced how much prize money the event can get, I don't know how much you can get, and I will announce it in the comments when I know.

Finally, I want to say that the new wave of activities is very fast, and it will come very soon. If you are interested, please pay attention.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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