As long as you lose one, you can relieve some of the uneasy emotions|The separation of parents

Read to read happy #130

Book: "The Breaking Up of the Parents' House" by Hideko Yamashita

In the past, there was a time when my mother's family was going to move. During that time, I had a lot of reluctance to organize my things, and I was also faced with old things from my hometown. In addition, my mother's mother had many memories and couldn't bear to throw it away, but because The space for a new one is small, and it can't hold so much. Thinking back to the time when we were children, we always had a lot of complaints. Those old things that had no meaning to us were very important to our parents, so it was two or three years after we moved, and my mother still regretted it all the time. those discarded.

This book reminds us that in the process of organizing things, it is not those old things that are actually organized, but those values and lifestyles. Can we let go of the "expectations of parents" and let them choose what to leave behind, after all, that is their life and their lifestyle; and we have our own life and lifestyle.

At the same time, it is also a very important part to feel when you are enjoying the joy of becoming happy and changing during the repetitive process of sorting. It can also affect those around you.


Letting go of your unconscious concepts is the most important step in determining whether your hometown is successful or not.
People can't eliminate anxiety. They hoard those "unnecessary, inappropriate, uncomfortable" things at home. They have been hoarding in our living space for many years. Just throwing away one can alleviate some anxiety.
Separation is not a kind of notification, but a kind of "communication". Disenchantmentists look very happy, and their whole body exudes a happy "qi" and "ambience". This feeling is like a virus that infects everyone around them, making them all disenchantmentists.
As long as you're comfortable with that item and feel you need it, it doesn't matter if it's scattered all over the house, no fuss.
Put aside the subtractive viewpoint and enjoy the change from the additive viewpoint. When we raise our heads and look around, we will see a completely different scene from the past, enjoying the endless scenery at the resting place on the way to the mountain.


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