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Miscellaneous talk about infringement, applause, platform development

I've had a lot of thoughts lately, and it's hard to write miscellaneous talks.

Recently, I read the article shared by @seasons, which cites actual infringement cases in the workplace. I personally think it is a very good sharing. I believe that it will make it easier for everyone to read and absorb it. There is a row of downvotes directed at the author in the message, and I can't think of other possibilities except for emotional venting.

I got up in the middle of the night and saw this news , to the effect that a certain youtuber in Taiwan copied foreign original works on IG, without the name mark and without the authorization of the original creator. What's worse is that it was even openly sold and satirized by the original capture package.

This news event reminds me of the plagiarism of the Taiwan Railway Jiji Shihu painted train 2 years ago. Although the author paid to buy the gallery, it caused controversy because the work was too similar to the original. In the end, only 250,000 yuan could be donated. Design fees to calm the storm.

After thinking about it for the past few days, I think it is very strange. In May, I wrote an article asking everyone not to clap their hands. At that time, it caused a lot of backlash. It is clearly written in the article. I think the platform does not have a clear game rule. I didn’t think that social applause is right or wrong. I personally think that the result of the flood of applause will inevitably lead to low quality of articles and even attract more people to sign up for Lailucoin. In the end, I also question whether it will make the platform better or worse if it continues. direction to go?

I still remember that I was misunderstood, distorted, and questioned by a bunch of people at that time. Most of the time, I took a chair to sit in the seat, and even resorted to emotional blackmail. Just writing about related issues for a while can get a lot of applause. Since the beginning of time, many people have stopped coming to applaud my article or even blocked me. As a result, plagiarism and trumpet incidents have now exploded. Did everyone suddenly realize the seriousness of the matter?

I am very thankful for @光清空 for writing this article , but at the same time I feel very emotional, as if those who were on the opposite side of me suddenly woke up and began to doubt themselves why they clapped their hands socially in the first place? Did you contribute to this trend yourself? However, at that time, I seemed to have been slapped countless times in vain, and I could only laugh at myself and always deaf ears!

See @jessie |JC in a paragraph at the bottom of the article @fide:

Do you want to honestly say that you really read that article well when you clap your hands? Do you really think that every essay you shoot deserves to be applauded? Or are you influenced by human affection and mutual shooting? Or do you actually want to have the benefits of mutual shooting?

My answer after reading this passage was: "I have read the article well, and I feel that every article I shoot is worthy of being applauded, and I have never had any affection, mutual influence, and no desire to have the benefits of mutual shooting. "

You may or may not believe it, but I can only say that after reading these questions, my answers came back without a second thought.

I'm pretty sure that the clap count will not go up without mutual clap, these data can be easily seen on the dashboard , my previous article also mentioned that my average clap count ranking was thrown very far, and now I checked it on 364, and I had to turn several pages to find it. However, I didn’t stop writing because of this, nor did I want to do things that I couldn’t do (social interaction), not only because of me I don’t have time, and I don’t think it is necessary to be pressured by human relationships to shoot each other or shoot randomly. I always think that every time you shoot randomly, you are actually exploiting yourself . The daily fund is fixed. The less likecoin you get.

The recent turmoil has caused some users to think that such a situation will not be resolved, and that it will be reborn, but I am an optimistic person by nature. I always think that something happens once and there is no solution or there is no salvation. Many historical events have Prove that a difficult thing must have experienced many failures and struggles before it can be achieved. Every event is one more thought and discussion. Even if it is only 1% improvement, it is necessary to take steps, rather than pessimistically thinking that since it will not be solved, then There is no need to bring it up, nor do you need to think that this is just an emotional vent. In the workplace, interpersonal, and emotional relationships, isn’t it often because of emotional outbursts that things can be brought to the surface and improved?

Finally, I share the most touching sentence I have seen recently, and it is also a sentence that speaks to my heart.

The "sincerity" in the text is very important. What I read is not one or two but long-term. Although I also agree that it is difficult to rely on self-discipline, it may be improved from the institutional or technical aspects of the platform. , as long as it can be improved , this is my expectation and the reason why I continue to stay.


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許多朋友們都說跟婷婷聊天很有療癒效果,不是因為我多會安慰人也不是我有什麼特殊的技巧,大概是我擁有異於常人的樂觀,總是能讓原本抱有煩惱的人瞬間感到豁然開朗,歡迎大家把問題發送給我,我將會在這裡以匿名的方式回覆,若是沒有特別的來信,我就會以分享日常生活中大大小小的經驗與觀點為主,目前圍爐文章預設為全部公開,有必要會手動設定限時上鎖。 點以下聯絡我: https://t.me/tingting1123

