

How many sitting postures are there?

How many meditation postures are there? How to use the cross sitting posture? There are about four popular cross sitting postures: 1. Loose meditation (or 1/4 lotus position) 2. Single meditation (or half lotus position) 3. Burmese meditation Sitting 4. Double cross (or full lotus position, full squat position)

How many meditation postures are there? How to use the cross sitting posture?

There are about four popular cross sitting postures, and they have different effects and precautions:

1. Scattered dish (or 1/4 lotus pose)

This pose is the easiest for beginners to sit cross-legged and enter a meditative state.

Precautions for the loose plate posture: Because the feet are randomly crossed, two weight points are formed instead of the face. Once the body involuntarily leans forward, the body weight will be concentrated on the two parts, which is easy to cause numbness and discomfort in the feet.

2. Single plate (or half lotus position)

The feet of the scattered plate are crossed to form two fulcrums, while the single plate is superimposed on each other to form a surface, so the body weight is easy to distribute evenly, and it is not easy to have numb feet and easy to sit for a long time.

The precautions for half-plate are: If you are used to stacking your left foot with your right foot or your right foot with your left foot, it is best to change frequently to balance your body posture and energy.

3. Burmese sitting cross-legged

Feet flat and not crossed, with one foot in front and the other behind, both feet parallel.

Burmese sitting posture is easy to push the heel against the bottom chakra, which is very effective for practicing the second chakra (dantian). Whether it is Taoism, which starts from Dantian, the kundalini of esoteric teaching, when the heel pushes into the first chakra, it is very effective. It is easy to concentrate energy towards the second chakra.

Shuangpan (or full lotus position, full cross sitting posture)

This posture has many names. If you first press the left foot on the right thigh, and then press the right foot on the left thigh, it is commonly known as auspicious sitting; if the right foot is pressed on the left thigh, then the left foot is pressed on the right. The upper part of the crotch is called the seat of the devil or the vajra; the double-pan posture is more stable in practice and can capture the mind and energy, but it takes a certain amount of practice to slowly enter the double-pan posture.

The precautions for double discs are: It is recommended not to double discs when women are menstruating or pregnant.

No matter what kind of cross sitting, because the body is in a triangular pyramid shape, this geometric shape can best capture the mind and concentrate energy, and the cross sitting posture should last for a long time. It is best to choose a meditation cushion or chair that suits you, and the height can be adjusted The best, because as the sitting time increases, your cross-sit posture will also change, and most of them are advanced from the loose-pan posture to the single-pan posture, and the scattered-pan posture requires a higher height to be comfortable because the feet are crossed. When advancing to the single set, because the calf is attached to the seat cushion and there is no intersection, the required height may be lower than that of the single set position, and the double set posture is that the two calves are 15 degrees below the plane, plus the double set can be practiced The posture usually has stretched the muscles and bones, and does not require too high a cushion, sometimes even a towel or cloth, some monks will wrap their feet with cloth or towel. When practicing the second chakra, it will be changed to the Burmese sitting position so that the heel can stand against the bottom chakra, so that the energy can be more concentrated. At this time, the second chakra does not need to be placed too high, so it is very important to choose a cushion or chair that can be adjusted in height. Otherwise, once the posture is changed, if the height cannot be adjusted, it will be a waste of time and money to buy a new cushion.

Don't forget, these cross sitting postures are all to help you enter the meditation, and practice according to the increase of meditation time. A friend who practiced dance when he was a child was able to do double cross postures at once, but for various reasons, he did not make it a habit to sit in meditation. A friend, who has always been in the squat pose but is super stamina, can meditate three times a day for two hours each time during vacation, so there is no need to compete with anyone who knows which difficult pose or yoga movement is the best, and forget our purpose. It is exercising the mind - entering into meditation, it will be difficult to sit cross-legged and unable to enter into meditation, the original intention will be lost.

The real purpose is how to make meditation a daily habit. Because becoming a habit has also become a tool for self-understanding. When encountering difficulties, emotional troubles or anxiety and fear in life, you can settle down and return to zero through meditation, re-look at people and things, help yourself to see the wider world, and make the best best choice.

Brand Name: Qulea

Product: MCH1 Heart In Place Meditation Chair

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