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Is Comic Behavioral Economics Irrational Wrong? "Change a reference point, shallow and deep

A very nice comic to read. It is precisely because of its "shallowness" that we have more leeway to slow down...Thinking is especially "deep".

Author: Masahiko Sato / Shunichi Suga / Hideaki Takahashi Translator: Ye Tingzhao Publishing House: Bulk Culture

Is Comic Behavioral Economics Irrational Wrong? : Why can't I keep getting free shipping? 23 Thinking Inspiration Lessons That Make You No Longer Lost

This is an entertaining cartoon (plus appreciation) covering many topics of behavioral economics.

 Traditional economics is based on the assumption of "homo economicus", but this cannot explain many unreasonable behaviors in our daily life; behavioral economics returns to the perspective of "human nature" to explain Traditional economics cannot explain the clear economic behavior, it is a new economic theory.

Is Comic Behavioral Economics Irrational Wrong? The presentation method is to first send a 3-4 page situational cartoon, and each chapter brings out a behavioral economics keyword. Insert a comment box at the end of the paragraph, which is a bit like a " tip ". Turning another page is an excerpt from the real world (for example), or attach a ▢ comic (to deepen the impression) ... 23 words in total, that is, this specification is repeated 23 times, and some points are added in the process. Variations , unexpected little easter eggs, I quite like this display method.

It can be expected that, limited by such a "short and powerful" space, each topic cannot be discussed too deeply, especially after seeing the leader in this field, Dan. Two books by Dan ArielyWho Said People Are Rational and The Psychology of Money —and later.

However, this evaluation is not an absolute evaluation method, but is compared with a certain benchmark to determine its (subjective) value. This is exactly the phenomenon of " reference dependence " mentioned in the book, which is used now.

At this point, I closed the book and wanted to change a reference point . Carefully re-examine the waist of the book, the coat of the book, the mouth of the tiger... those visions outside the book. Since there are 23 lessons in the book, how would the curate introduce it? Rather than what he "wrote", he is more concerned with:

"Didn't write anything?" (Which lessons were skipped and not mentioned)
"Why write like that?"
"Why not write it like this?"
"Wouldn't it be more fun to write this way?"

After careful consideration, draw a line "outside the book" .

All in all, this is a very good manga to read ( hey! Which manga is hard to read? ). It is precisely because of its "shallowness" that we have more leeway to slow down, pay attention to the links that we usually don't pay attention to, and think especially "deep".

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