
藥師X寫手X投資人 我的文章名符其實,可能會讓你覺得不舒服,就像吃藥完的苦澀。 [💊藥師🖋寫作者💵投資者] [健康X自我成長X投資心法] 線上免費用藥諮詢服務上架囉~ Line ID:@pharmwithu 預約線上用藥諮詢:https://reurl.cc/NANxjm logicpharm.org

343. Compared with a high salary, whether what you do is meaningful is more important

Today, I will introduce four ways to cultivate perseverance (interest/practice/purpose/hope), taking my writing plan as an example~

Today I will introduce four ways to develop perseverance, taking my writing project as an example:


Enthusiasm starts with something you really like. When you feel bored and tired, you still have the motivation to do it. That's what passion is . For example, I like to help people, and I also like to read, so I started this project.


Deliberately practising writing has made me develop an inexplicable persistence. I am not pursuing perfection. I am just humbly aware that I can continue to learn, so I am determined to complete this project. The road to growth is not crowded, because most people can't stick to it.

3. Purpose:

The purpose is to support the force that moves you forward, you may think you want to make money, but it just means you need money to fulfill your real dreams , I think what I do is important because just change a person's mind I feel like I I succeeded. This is my goal. Through this kind of sharing, I find it very interesting. If it can change the world at the same time, why not do it?

Why I like to talk about changing the world, not because I am arrogant, but because social media makes everything possible in this generation


Hope refers to a kind of perseverance that can face various situations . In the drama "Zombie Campus", it is hope that supports students' continuous survival

Hope exists in every stage of perseverance, I have this dream, I hope to change you, you, and you, this is the driving force that has always supported my writing

If my article makes you feel any discomfort, it means that I am challenging your existing knowledge

After all, swiping on your phone is all about relaxing, and if you take the time to read my articles, of course I want to change you, not just feed you chicken soup

You can dislike my writing, but what I am most afraid of is that I have not challenged your thinking

Through these four elements, I have been persevering. After this project is over, a brand new look is waiting to meet you.

Thank you for the friends who have been with you all the way, hold on a little longer, the end is coming~


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賺錢也賺幸福的精髓是在於找到生活的平衡,讓時間發揮複利的效果,過程肯定枯燥無味,就讓我們一起來圍爐吧~ 你可以在這邊得到: 1.全球化變動型資產配置(非傳統股債配置,融合因子投資及加密貨幣的新組合) 2.人生如何短捨離 3.以藥師的角度講述預防醫學

