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340. Making money should be just a means for you to achieve your dreams

Many people regard making money as their goal, and making money is definitely just a means, but many people regard making more money as their ultimate goal, so he will fall into a state of dissatisfaction, because he has no idea what his ultimate goal is. Let yourself be caught in the money game. Many people don't think about where their passion is. It's like losing the compass but wanting to hunt for treasure. Values (philosophy of life) are like a compass, which can tell us the direction when we are lost~

What is your aspiration?

Is it to make money?

Many people regard making money as a goal, and making money is definitely just a means, but many people regard making more money as a dream (the ultimate goal), so he will fall into a state of dissatisfaction, because he does not know his dream at all ( What is the ultimate goal), get yourself into the money game

Many people don't think about where their passion is. It's like losing a compass but wanting to go treasure hunting

Values (philosophy of life) are like a compass that can tell us the direction when we are lost

The so-called perseverance is composed of enthusiasm and perseverance

Enthusiasm doesn't refer to how eagerly you are invested, but whether you can continue "long-term continuous investment"

Everyone has a three-minute heat, but only a handful have passion that lasts as long as the sun

What if you don't know where your passions are and what your values are

Then you must have a dream, and in our dreams there is usually an ultimate goal

And this process is like fighting monsters and upgrading, so you can first cut your dream into small pieces

Complete the big goal (dream) through small steps, these small goals are the so-called means and methods

And making money is one of them

We can't reach the sky in one step, so most people fail in the process, or even never start, and some people are too greedy, want one and another, so that they can't be sure what their ultimate goal is

Basically it's normal for your goals to conflict with each other, it means you're still trying to figure out what's most important, we might want a happy family and a good job

But there must be one of them that you think is the most important. You have to learn to let go in order to walk on the right path.

The more specific your goals are, the better the effect will be~


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