PY CHEN 人生花滿院
PY CHEN 人生花滿院

禪修經驗超過十五年,曾於印度與尼泊爾旅居三年並於2023年正式完成五年高階禪修大手印的學習。目前於章成禪師門下學習。 個人生涯諮詢I豐盛意識自我覺察I 🌼

[Star Chronicles] 8/23–08/29 Happiness and intimacy are built on the abundance of the heart

🌼Before I love you, I need to be myself🌼
(photo from Sophie Dale)

☉ Sun 59Earth 55

This summer is very "roasted" and very "tested". The planets start retrograde one by one, and 9/10 Mercury also begins to join the retrograde lineup. At that time, there will be six planets in the solar system retrograde. Water, wood, earth, sky , Hai, Pluto, what a wonderful lineup, the six planets are retrograde but Mars is still moving forward, but the movement has slowed down. How should I deal with this September? Every time the sun enters a new gate, we will discuss it in detail. After all, the sun and the earth are the parts that really affect 70%. Although other planets have influence, for individuals, when the gates that the planets pass through are related to us personally. This planet will only have a significant impact on us when there is a chemical change in the floodgates, so don't be alarmed to hear "five and six retrograde" and take your seat.

During this time the sun enters gate 59 and the earth enters gate 55, the intimacy of the family may be manifested, and this family intimacy is based on emotional waves, which is important when we want to be ourselves, but Don't forget that there is a person across from us, he is not me, and he also has his own, but this is not for us to suppress or compromise ourselves, but to "communicate". This week, I tend to fall under my own emotions and motivation, and I impulsive do something that I will regret later, so remember that when you are emotionally high, you are often not your true self, so be your own premise. Yes, communicate with each other well why do I do this? Why don't I want to eat? "It's not because your food is unpalatable, but I really don't have an appetite right now." Good communication is an important factor in bringing closer to each other.

Gate 59 is a character gate, each line has its own character characteristics, but remember that there is no need to be limited by these character characteristics, because Gate 59 also has an important characteristic "the ability to break barriers and become one. ”, so the role and characteristics of each of us is to let us know “how to use our own strengths to achieve the purpose of ‘oneness’”, not to tell ourselves that I am this, I can only be this, I am not you so I do Less than ~ ~ these are not the purpose of the human map to convey.

During this period, most of the moon falls on the gates of social people, and the driving force of reason and sensibility is constantly swinging back and forth. This round-trip of reason and sensibility will also affect the sun and the earth, inexplicable romance or inexplicable rationality, along the way of emotions. Under the flow, if the relationship between you and your other half is a little tense recently, you can observe this rational and emotional moment, and resolve each other's heart knot at the right time. Those who can't pull their faces can be driven by the emotional moon to give the other half. A warm hug or a small gift. When the relationship between each other has become so entangled that they can no longer move forward, driven by rationality, the two sides have a good discussion. Unresolved or swaying is the source of pain and suffering.

The genus has just passed, which means that the summer is coming to an end, and people are still roasting at noon, but the coolness of the night is gradually increasing, and things will always pass like the weather. The point is, what we have learned from this experience, and then Take this knowledge into the future. Another meaning of Gate 55 is to explore the potential and manifestation of our soul, especially our spiritual life, and then bring about "abundance", which is not material but spiritual.

☀️Reincarnation Crossover from 8/23–08/29:

8/23–26 Reincarnation Cross—Sleeping Phoenix of Right Angle Cross: Powerful fertile, busy "making more" for future security; intimacy and security in connection.

8/26–27 Reincarnation and Intersection—Strategies for Side-by-Side Intersection: Always focus on how to take advantage of opportunities and develop strategies for intimacy with people. Possess the ability to match.

8/27–29 Reincarnation Crossed Soul: Left Angle Crossed Soul: If they are awake and aware, the subject of sex and love can be transformed from life and experience, empowering them with wisdom; through spirituality, the relationship between love and sex can be transformed.

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