

觀影札記|荷里活有個耆福黨 (The Comeback Trail)

「我發誓我沒有⋯⋯好吧,我只說了一些小謊。我是監製,這是我的工作!」(I swear I’m not lying. I’m… Okay, I’m lying a little bit but I’m a producer and that’s what I do!

觀影札記|永遠比那些笨蛋年輕 (Eternally Younger Than Those Idiots)


觀影札記|爆機自由仁 (Free Guy)

「不要有好的一日,要有勁正的一日!」(Don't have a good day, have a great day.)

觀影札記|幻險森林奇航 (Jungle Cruise)

「如果有幸在一生中在乎一個人,對我來說已經足夠。」(If you're lucky enough to have one person in this life to care about, then that's world enough for me.)

觀影札記|殺出個黃昏 (Time)


說劇談|洛基 (Loki)

「我是聖域界的洛基,肩負光榮使命。」(I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.)

觀影札記|波斯密語 (Persian Lessons)

「他們之所以無名無姓,只是因為你不知道他們的名宇。」(They're only nameless, because you don't know their names.)

觀影札記|黑寡婦 (Black Widow)

「我活過很多次……但我已經擺脫過去。」(I've lived a lot of lives... But I'm done running from my past.)

觀影札記|突襲安全區 (Quo Vadis, Aida?)

「我們在名單上!」(We are on the list!)

觀影札記|她和他的戀愛花期 (We Made a Beautiful Bouquet)


觀影札記|醉美的一課 (Another Round)

「青春是場夢,愛在其中。」 (What is youth?The dream. What is love?The dream's content.)

觀影札記|無聲絕境 2 (A Quiet Place Part II)

「你說得對,我毫不像你父親。像他的人是你。」(You were right. I'm nothing like him. You are.)
