The salty aroma of rags is delicious

old-fashioned rags

This year, I especially feel that this season, there are a lot of rags for sale, and they are raw, small orange fruits like this. I asked my husband and he said that I could buy rags and make them myself, but I checked the online method and found that it was too labor-intensive. I was sweating profusely just cooking, so I naturally gave up making it myself.

rags|Image from: Internet News

As a result, when I went back to my mother-in-law's house on the weekend, I found that it was incredible. Not only did my mother-in-law make it herself, but my relatives, friends and neighbors also sent it, each with its own flavor. Some are not spicy, some are spicy, I asked a friend in Tainan, and he said that the recipes are different. At present, I have three flavors. In addition to the taste of the rags, it is really spicy, salty and sweet. There will be a little difference. Although this small piece looks dark and dark, the process is time-consuming. First, you need to prune branches and leaves, wash, boil (3-4 hours), stir and season, shape, and package. So the hard work of this bag is really cherished! My mother-in-law also explained that when the price of vegetables is expensive, they can be cooked from the freezer. I think it is the wisdom that has been passed down! (In the past, food was expensive, and I bought it outside to eat...)

The flavor of the rags is really delicious, it is equivalent to a sauce, and there is no need to special seasoning when cooking. The only time to eat it, if it is not specially deseed, be careful with bad teeth, so children usually don't like it. But I also missed how to remove the seeds, so I have to ask everyone to be careful when they eat!

shabby clothes

In vegetarian dishes, rags are most often cooked with bean curd, fried crispy and fragrant, sprinkled with a little nine-story tower, delicious enough to sweep the plate.

How to make ragged bean skin

1. Add minced ginger and rags to saute until fragrant.
2. Mince the tofu skin and fry until fragrant.
3. Finally, put the nine-story tower to complete.

rag bean skin

There is also one that can be done with an electric cooker: rags and wax gourd.

How to make rags and winter melon

1. Cut the wax gourd into pieces and add shredded ginger
2. Drizzle with rags and an appropriate amount of rags
3. Put half a cup of water in the electric pot to a cup of water and steam it
4. Jump up and drizzle with sesame oil

rag seed winter melon

Do you have a favorite ragzi dish?


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