The reason for writing is to look forward to "The Morning That Can't Be the Future"

"Suffix" falsely broke the text Qingzhi invitation, re-exploring the meaning of writing

I started writing on Matters in May last year, and I waited for more than two months to join the job. I was so panicked that I could make money by writing on this platform.

In fact, it's not so pure. Before that, my boyfriend urged me to write some articles related to hotel/customer service (work). Although I didn't say it explicitly, I guessed based on his reading taste, maybe he expected me to become a funny Internet celebrity? In life, I am indeed a ㄎㄧㄤ faction. I first submitted two short stories within 2,000 words, and wrote the gags between Aoke and the supervisor. The rebellious writing was fragmented. I instinctively wanted to irritate him, and the feedback turned out to be good. Is he an M attribute? When I became interested in writing, I thought about the possibility of programmatic writing. At that time, I was busy with work, and I missed the 70th anniversary of the department. Our 30-year-old class was at the same table with the most fierce professor when we were studying. The topic came to me, and the professor was fierce. As always, ask me if I'm doing hemp now? I say, work at a startup. She ended up asking if I was still writing. I want to use my busy work to get ten minutes of thinking: You just write a little every day, is it difficult? (OS: Teacher~ Is it difficult? Startups are sweatshops!)

In the beginning at Matters, I wanted to write literature, I wanted to write but I didn't dare. I have asked myself several times. When I was interviewing for the script creation office ten years ago, the interviewer asked me: Some paragraphs of your script could not be performed in the theater at all. Now the theater ecology is not good, which director would choose such a troublesome script, who should watch it? Brain-burning play? I can't answer. At that time, I applied for the drama studio on an impulse, and spent three months shutting myself in my room, reading theory and writing a portfolio from scratch, writing whatever I wanted, without thinking about performances. It was supposed to be a show. After that I didn't want to write anything, everything was like a farce, my words were just for acting, haha.

The threshold of life is sometimes too light, and it is humorous to think about it, but it is a small thing: I began to write literary notes, and began to draw up writing projects. Of course, it is very important to have time and money in my current work. After all, Woolf said that writers need every year NT two million for writing is very real, although my annual salary is less than one million.

A well-written netizen sent me a private message: "Are the creators of online platforms, especially those who write novels, a group of "losers' distribution centers," such as those who haven't won literary awards or don't believe in such activities at all. I also thought that if you don't get the "favor of professional judges" and get the admission ticket, won't ordinary readers not read it? After all, ordinary readers will mostly read the writer's achievements rather than the content, at least I think so of."

"Suffix" invited me two months later to read the preface of the novel "The Morning That Couldn't Be the Future" , which will be published by Mr. Pirate (former citizen) this summer: " The reason why the morning is morning " , and write down the feedback. I superstitiously believe that fate did it deliberately, leading me to think about writing itself, which is too chaotic, so I can only excerpt the feeling of reading and share it with you according to the two actions of writing and publishing.


- style

Mr. Pirate: "Those who know me also know that I am a fan of Haruki Murakami, or Lai Mingzhu, and most of the first half of the records are written in the way I have in mind. Like Haruki Murakami, but who doesn't start with imitation before creating something? "
Guo Qiangsheng shared in "Writer's Life" that he debuted in Zhang Ailing's tone (Zhang tone).

- Purpose

Mr. Pirate: "Anyway, if a writer has no readers, he is no longer a writer. After all, the writing is not stored in the drawer, but must be displayed. At this time, I also started Remember, the self that I wanted to write down before I forgot, is still there? "
Mr. Pirate: "The counselor said that my novel is a self-healing process . Of course, I can't understand it. I always feel that as long as I sit in front of the computer and wear headphones, a pusher will naturally type the text. It’s like something subconscious, maybe what’s really writing about me is not really me, but I’m not an expert in this kind of thing, so I don’t understand it either.”
Zhong Lihe: " What is the purpose of our writing? Do we have to do it forever without pay? " (From Huang Chongkai's "The Spring and Autumn of Literature")
Huang Chongkai wrote the following dialogue in "Literary Spring and Autumn",
  • A: You just write those novels for a few people to read, what's the difference with handjobs.
  • A: Don't you think it's weird? Writing doesn't make much money, and it takes a lot of time. Could he (Raymond Carver) put that time into good work?
  • B: Tell me (you) why you want to have children?
  • B: Don't you think it's scary to remember? You have invested so much resources and energy on one child. If there are three strengths and two weaknesses, wouldn't you cry to death?


- Livelihood

Mr. Pirate: "And now it's my hindrance. It's hard to support a person with words . Before this, I've already suffered, should I continue to suffer? But will it be another way? Because I don't want to work. , how do you support yourself like this?”

Finally, I want to end with a sentence in Guo Qiangsheng's "Writer's Life",

I am afraid that the greatest significance of writing is that I finally truly face life, rather than living in a sample set by the world.

Life has all kinds of difficulties, some people can't solve it after spending their whole life, and some people can't solve it easily but not completely. Writing is a way, it can have its own purpose but it is not inevitable. The end of writing is to look directly at life itself. My favorite is the word "I'm afraid", maybe before we stop breathing, we all have to worry about why we write, just as we explore why we live.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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