Police are stronger than fight clubs


[Shuixiang Xiansi] In the end, the police arrested all the members of the fair before the bomb exploded, prevented the disaster, and sent the protagonist to an insane asylum for treatment. Under the care of the state, criminals certainly cannot succeed.

The first rule of Fight Club in China? Don't mention the original ending. The second rule of Fight Club in China? Change it so the police win.

The world is full of surprises. In order to promote the health message that "evil cannot conquer good", the Chinese mainland tampered with the ending of the movie "Fight Club", which is closer to the original novel than the movie. However, the ending of the original book is not attributed to a far-flung political and police agency. The truth is that all the secret bombs made by the rabble failed, and the protagonist raised a gun and shot himself in the head. Later, he wakes up in a mental hospital and mistakenly believes that he is in heaven.

Interestingly, although many American movie fans were angry after learning about the tampering, the original author, Chuck Palahniuk, sneered at it, because many places in the United States still prohibit the circulation of original novels, such as the Texas prison. library.

Remember when I first heard about this movie in a philosophy class. At that time, the professor strongly recommended it, saying that it was a good product for the ministry to talk about freedom. Perhaps the fate of films and novels has also become the touchstone of freedom.

Now, Palahniuk, originator of the characters and story, has weighed in with his own response. The author tweeted a link to his Substack newsletter where he discusses the episode, writing: “Have You Seen This Sh*t? This is SUPER wonderful! Everyone gets a happy ending in China!”
In his newsletter, Palahniuk wrote: "Tyler and the gang were all arrested. He was tried and sentenced to a mental asylum. How amazing. I'd no idea! Justice always wins. Nothing ever exploded. Fini."

Recalling that the "Young and Dangerous" series of movies that were popular in the Chinese-speaking world at that time had been hiding another version, and it was not known until the Internet was circulated. In order to pass the scrutiny of Singapore and Malaysia, the protagonist Chen Haonan actually changed into an undercover agent sent by the Royal Hong Kong Police, and finally arrested the brothers who were born to death with him. Even the title of the play can't be called "Young and Dangerous", it's changed to "New Police Story". Hong Kong people must have been surprised when they heard it.


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