What the heck is going on with "scratching the neck" and "stiff neck"? What should be done?


I believe that everyone has the following experience - when you wake up in the morning, you find severe neck pain, and in severe cases, headache, dizziness, and shoulder pain. Severe pain, combined with the inability to move your neck naturally throughout the day, may make you start to worry about something serious. However, the situation often only lasts 2-4 days, and it will be cured without treatment. That's right, this is commonly known as "the neck" or "Acute Torticollis". It is as common as paying taxes, and there will always be one or two times a year. But how much do you know about it?


At present, medical reports have not found the cause of "stiff neck". However, according to research (Fryer, 2011), "stiff neck" is not caused by structural damage or inflammation of the cervical spine, so patients do not need to worry about the possibility of serious diseases. In fact, empirical evidence shows that the association between pain perception and structural damage is low. In other words, pain when you perform certain movements or maintain a certain position, in most cases, does not reflect that you are injured. I have mentioned related concepts in previous articles. If you are interested, you can click the link below to read.

Related Article: Six Myths About Low Back Pain! An article that lets you figure out what's going on with lumbar disc herniation


· Moderate to severe pain on one side of the neck, severe headache or shoulder pain on the same side. The pain is only on one side of the neck

· Neck movement becomes very difficult, especially movements such as Extension, Rotation and Lateral Flexion, which can easily lead to severe pain and muscle spasm

· Stiff neck muscles


✔The good news is that the "stiff neck" can be maintained for a very limited time, and most patients recover within 2-7 days without receiving any treatment or medication.

✔ If the pain is so severe that it interferes with daily activities or function, the patient may consider consulting a family doctor or pharmacist about the use of pain medication. In addition, manual traction (Manual Traction) and neck glide (Lateral Glide) in physical therapy can help reduce pain.

✔ The patient can also consider slowly turning the head to the source of pain in a lying position while applying heat, repeat each group 10-30 times, 1-3 groups each time. The entire process should remain relaxed, gradually increasing the range of motion in the neck.

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H2PerformanceLabHenry Hung, MS, DPT candidate, CSCS, FRC 物理治療系學生/運動傷害患者 教練/運動員 運動與復康本為同源,希望透過分享運動科學和復康知識,提高大眾認知 逢星期三 – 復康 逢星期六 – 運動科學
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