Tomato Scrambled Eggs | The Simplest Taste

Mom's cooking likes colorful and adds a lot of ingredients.
Fang Mummy's Mummy cooked, tomato scrambled eggs

As far back as I can remember, Mom was always in the kitchen. Sometimes cooking is very tiring, but she still cooks while reading. In the past, she was a vegetarian, and maybe there were economic factors, so her mother cooked more by herself. Although her concept is more traditional, she has always been worried that I will not be able to marry, so she trained me to do housework early. The first time I remember cutting fruit, I asked for it. At that time, it was cutting diced willows. Actually, it was strange. Faith is really important. At that time, my mother told me not to cut it. There is no OK at home. Full of confidence, I said no, and then I cut it... Fortunately, it was only a small injury.

Mom is very devout to say goodbye, and she must cook richly during the festivals. Since I started helping with kitchen chores, I have been complaining for a while. Others go out to play during the holidays, and I can only cook at home during the festivals. Because there are really a lot of things to deal with, my mother is also a kind person. Whether it is preparing the ingredients beforehand, washing and cooking the vegetables on the same day, setting the dishes, and cleaning up afterwards, she cannot pass her standard without ten dishes. Maybe she hopes that all these sacrifices , I pray for the ancestors to eat well and well, and the family to be safe and healthy, and have a smooth journey.

Mom's cooking likes colorful and adds a lot of ingredients. It wasn't until I cooked my own food after marriage that I realized that I didn't really like to add too many things to stir-fry. Generally, most of them are two.

For example, tomato scrambled eggs, I really add tomato and egg, and at most a little celery to enhance the flavor. And my mother will put more fungus or other ingredients to make the overall color look better.

To make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, my mother frys the eggs half-cooked and picks them up. Then add the fungus and tomato, and then add the eggs after they are cooked. The seasonings will include sugar, tomato sauce, salt and soy sauce depending on your preference.

My method is to put the tomato directly in the pot, add the egg liquid after frying, and then season it. The egg is less obvious. I don't know which one do you like?

The taste of home is always passed down one by one, and the taste in memory is also passed down like this. Looking back at the past, young people liked to try new things and novelties, but now I still like the "simplest taste".


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芳心慢筆曾經以為自己會一直是上班族的人生 沒想到因為孩子走入了料理日常、自媒體與接案人生 謝謝文字帶我療癒自己、分享愛與感動 收錄人類圖、身心靈、素食推廣、育兒雜記等點滴記錄 歡迎追蹤💕 芳媽咪的素食料理Instagram: fangmommy.viggie
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