How to use Facebook Messenger to do business with less effort?


Facebook is currently the world's most widely used online social platform. Many companies use Facebook ads to promote, or set up Facebook stores or fan pages as a platform to publish information, contact fans, and hold events. Among the many companies that use Facebook for business, how can your company's publicity and promotion stand out?

In addition to the design of promotional products, Facebook Messenger marketing is also one of the channels for attracting unscrupulous customers. Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging program attached to Facebook, which can divert sales and customer service. Different from the post marketing of the fan page, the Messenger marketing provides a more complete sales service from recommendation to thoughtful answering of questions.

imBee is a commercial communication software that provides a one-stop management platform for Facebook Messenger, which supports multiple logins and handles inquiries from customers from different channels at the same time. With imBee's preset replies, customer service no longer has to enter the same answer repeatedly; using keywords to automatically reply , even if you are offline, you are not afraid of neglecting customers; imBee's customer diversion helps you to send push messages more targeted in the future. Through inBee's diversified messaging functions, Facebook's business is more effective with less effort.

Messenger Marketing and Messenger Push

Similar to WhatsApp group messaging, fan page administrators can send text/multimedia messages to fans they have spoken to. According to Facebook's new Messenger push policy in 2020, if a user does not reply to a push message within 24 hours, the page can no longer send push messages to this user. So how do you break the 24-hour limit?

Message Tag

Facebook has the following 4 message labels under the new policy : "Event Notifications", "Purchase Notifications", "Account Notifications", and "Real People". Enterprises can send non-advertising important information to users according to the characteristics of the label, without the 24-hour limit.

Let interested fans leave interactive records

Add a "Send Message" button to your fan page, post or ad post to increase the chances of your fans starting a conversation with you and restart the 24-hour countdown. Additionally, you can send a message to fans who have not interacted with you in the past 24 hours but are leaving comments. If the message includes a quick reply button, it can increase the chances of fans replying to private messages and leave a record of interaction.

If you're interested in learning more about Facebook Messenger features and WhatsApp Business features you might not know about, check out our article!


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imBeeimBee(蜂傳) 提供了一個全渠道、自動化的顧客溝通平台,在一個介面上讓您的銷售團隊通過不同的即時通訊軟件與顧客溝通。平台有助於發掘潛在顧客戶並管理顧客關係,如蜜蜂般不停歇地促進團隊銷售量,並提供優良的顧客服務體驗。
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