Gaining muscle and reducing fat once satisfied, have you grasped the fitness novice welfare period?

In the previous article, I shared four types of lucky people who can increase muscle and reduce fat at the same time. Among them, the rookie novice is definitely the most confused group of people. They don’t know what advantages they have or how to implement them. Today's article will give you an in-depth understanding of how fitness novices can increase muscle and reduce fat, and provide some suggestions and directions for novices like me.

In the previous article, I shared four types of lucky people who can increase muscle and reduce fat at the same time . Among them, the rookie novice is definitely the most confused group of people. They don’t know what advantages they have or how to implement them. Today's article will give you an in-depth understanding of how fitness novices can increase muscle and reduce fat, and provide some suggestions and directions for novices like me.

1. Exercise arrangement: heavy training with the goal of increasing muscle mass

To build muscle, the most important thing in terms of exercise is that your training volume needs to increase steadily. Novices will grow rapidly in strength at the beginning. When each training volume is a little more than before, that is, following the principle of progressive overload, they can grow significantly.

‧ Progressive overload

Progressive overload isn't just about lifting heavier (increasing weight), it also involves lifting more reps at a time (increasing reps per set), lifting more reps (increasing total sets), hitting the floor more often (increasing frequency), and There are increased training difficulty and shorter rest periods. No matter which aspect, as long as you can make more progress than before, you can achieve progressive overload, forcing the body to adapt beyond the previous exercise intensity, and then achieve muscle growth.

It is recommended that you record which movements you do, how much you do, how many sets, how many sets, and even how long you take to rest between sets. In this way, next time you can use this as a basis to slowly adjust and increase the training volume little by little.

‧ Multi-joint movement

In terms of movements, you can start with multi-joint exercises, such as: squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups. The so-called multi-joint exercise involves the cooperation of different joints when doing an action, and can stimulate many muscle groups at the same time. Simply put, it is to do an action, but there are many parts that have been practiced together, the concept of a family of barbecues.

In addition, large movements with multiple joints are easier to gradually increase the weight, and because there are many muscle groups involved, it can train the coordination of the whole body at the same time. It can be said that it is a movement with a high cp value, which is indispensable for novices training content.

In addition, large movements with multiple joints are easier to gradually increase the weight, and because there are many muscle groups involved, it can train the coordination of the whole body at the same time. It can be said that it is a movement with a high cp value, which is indispensable for novices training content.

Here is a commentary of Dr. He Li'an He from the SBD Monster Lecture Hall .

The main project of muscle strength training is to exercise large muscle groups and multiple joints. YouTube. (January 10, 2020). [SBD Monster Lecture S1: E7]

2. Diet plan: Burn more fat without losing muscle

Needless to say, the importance of dietary control to maintain a good posture is of course no need to say much. There is a saying in the rivers and lakes, three points of training and seven points of eating, those muscles and lost fat are all eaten. And fat loss is to achieve a calorie deficit, that is, eating less than you consume, so controlling the total daily diet is the primary goal.

‧ Calorie deficit

At the beginning, first record what you eat every day and add up the total calories, then calculate the total calories you will consume in a day (TDEE) , and adjust the food content based on this. 80% start.

After that, record the changes in body weight and body fat every day. If the weight loss is too fast or too slow, increase or decrease the calorie intake accordingly. However, because you gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, your weight may not change much, so it would be better if you can measure body fat regularly.

‧ Sufficient protein

In addition to total calories, the distribution of nutrients is also important, especially protein plays a pivotal role in muscle repair. For beginners, it is easier to gain muscle and reduce fat at the same time. At this time, if you combine a higher proportion of protein diet, you can gain more muscle and lose more fat.

In a 2016 study by Stuart Phillips' lab , 40 people who had no exercise habits were found and randomly divided into two groups, one with a daily intake of 1.2g of protein per kilogram of body weight, and the other with 2.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. g.

The research team did the same training for everyone and cut their daily calorie intake by about 40%. After four weeks, the weight loss of the two groups was similar, but the muscle mass of the 2.4g group increased significantly, while the 1.2g group only maintained the original state.

Changes in body weight BM, muscle mass LBM and body fat mass FM in high protein 2.4g/kg group (PRO) and low protein 1.2g/kg group (CON).

The results showed that subjects who ate more protein gained an average of 1.2kg of muscle and lost 4.8kg of fat. Although the weight change was similar to that of the low-protein group, the gain in muscle meant more fat was lost. It is worth mentioning that the subjects in the experiment adopted the progressive overload training mentioned in the previous paragraph, coupled with sufficient protein intake, thus achieving the goal of increasing muscle and reducing fat at the same time.

3. Track your posture: see with your eyes the most practical

After you have completed the above steps, the next step is to work hard and practice hard, and you will see results if you stick to it for a period of time.

Of course, during the period, you still need to adjust your diet and training content according to your physical state. For example, if you train hard but you keep gaining fat, it may be because you have eaten too much; or you have lost a lot of weight all of a sudden, but your body still looks If the loose ones are not very strong, it may be possible to lose muscle, eat more or increase the frequency and volume of heavy training.

Therefore, the ideal state is to use Inbody or other measurement methods on a regular basis to see if there is a steady increase in muscle mass and a steady decrease in fat. Usually home body fat meters are not very accurate and have error values, but in terms of its convenience, it can be used to compare with the last self on a regular basis, which is a good choice.

If there is no body fat meter, and it is not easy to measure Inbody, it is best to take pictures every week, at the same time, place, and in the same physical state. It's the most intuitive way to check your body shape from photos. After all, isn't fitness training just to look good? Deven thinks it's the most accurate way to see with your eyes, and of course you shouldn't feel too good about yourself. Even though your belly is full of fat, you lied to yourself to see your abs.

Fitness novice take a step, you can also increase muscle and reduce fat

Within 3 months of starting fitness, Deven gained 1.5kg of muscle and lost almost 5% body fat. Although it is not as fast as a beast of progress, it can be considered to achieve the goal of increasing muscle and reducing fat at the same time, and there is also a little change in posture. I look forward to making persistent efforts and not ending this welfare period too soon. (Learn more 👉 InBody Report on Small Achievements of Deven Movement for Three Months )

To all the novices who want to lose weight successfully in the new year, hurry up and go to the gym now, and get all the newbie benefits at once!

Originally published at .


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