Craziest President

A great man that Trump loved very much, the president was hanging behind the office of the president at that time
"The only American hero in history to beat the bank to create a miracle - Andrew Jackson"

The man we are going to discuss today is the seventh president of the United States, who served from 1828 to 1836. Some people say he is the craziest president in history. Let us tell his story, you will find that it is crazier than Trump More, because someone insulted his wife, and because of the debt, he killed the opponent in a duel, but he was also injured, and the bullet in his chest could not be taken out because it was too close to the heart, This also led to frequent chest pains and even coughing up blood in his later life.

taken from google

We often talk about understanding the operating system behind the financial system, and this president is arguably one of the presidents who understands the financial system best, so he said in a speech to bankers: "You are a bunch of vipers, and I intend to Root you out, and in the name of God I will root you out, if the people know how unfair our money and banking system is, there will be a revolution tomorrow.”

The greatest deed in his life happened on January 8, 1835. President Jackson paid off the last US national debt. This was the first time in US history that the national debt was reduced to 0, and a surplus of 35 million was generated. At the same time, he rejected the first debt. 2. Bank extension proposal. Shortly after this, the assassination of the president happened on January 30, but the murderer's two bullets miraculously blew up. I heard that the probability is only 1 in 12,500.

It is not unfounded that people say that the president of the United States is the most dangerous profession. In this position, it can be said that he has the power to change the world, so all people with ideas, such as Andrew. President Jackson, and he did. President Jackson's epitaph contained only one sentence: "I killed the bank."


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