1st Annual Matt City Architects List Announced


Matt City is three years old. In the past three years, citizens have built Matt City together on a simple, even barren foundation. Citizens are the core driving force of Matt City. Through your creation, communication and construction, Matt City has continued to expand, but still maintains an open and warm atmosphere; your activities have spawned different neighborhoods, warmly encouraged every new citizen, and supported high-quality works. ; At the same time, always pay attention, observe the omissions of infrastructure, and defend against foreign enemies.

In order to dedicate this honor to citizens who actively participate in community construction, Matty launched the "Matt City Architect Nomination" . After the community's joint nomination and Matty's selection, the following 21 architects were selected. They have their own characteristics and strengths, and they have all contributed irreplaceable efforts to the city of Matt.

Here's why the 21 architects were selected:

@Kiryu Maoyu

- Matt City's warmest "newcomer punch-in" tradition was proposed by Mikoto and Kiryu. More than 1,000 citizens have participated in the punch-in, and almost all of them have received responses. This openness and enthusiasm has also become Matt City's important undertones. Kiryu is also a member of the datters group, which is responsible for recommending and salvaging high-quality content in Matt City. (Nominee: @gai)
-Her heart-warming and thoughtful messages are always very warm and enthusiastic, making people feel like they have found a well-informed person, it's amazing! Her image is a big pink tree. Like her, she quietly lets everyone approach and listens to everyone's stories tenderly under the tree. (Nominee: @EmmaEmma)


-I was very impressed with the "Healing by Food" essay contest initiated by Iris, which attracted many authors to participate, and iris not only read every article, but also wrote a super detailed and moving summary report of the activity. I believe that many citizens like Matt City more because of this event, because this event is not only about writing essays, but also about sharing your own life. It feels like a gathering of friends and comforting each other in food. In addition to the writing activities, Iris has also been paying attention to the development of Matt City for a long time, and she has frequently made comments. It is obvious to the naked eye that she cares and loves Matt City. (Nominee: @gai)


-fide read a lot of articles written by citizens, all kinds of articles, and knew the writing characteristics of many citizens. And she also thinks that she is one of the most loved citizens of Matt City, so it is absolutely suitable for her to be an architect of Matt City! (Nominee: @EmmaEmma)
-fide once co-organized with her and several other Matters citizens through the 2019 award-winning essay, and also participated in the Matter City Encyclopedia event held by her. She is definitely not the kind of author who writes like crazy every week, but she always writes with weight and depth. She knows and loves Matters so well that she even knows everything that happened to Matters (but she might humbly say otherwise) and is definitely my number one recommendation. (Nominated by: @Daisy)
-fide he has two that impressed me. He said, I am willing to use real money to support the author I like. It's not just clapping your hands, but really sending out likecoins with over 100 or 100 support. Not only to send out the likecoins created by oneself, but to spend money to buy likecoins and send them out. This kind of selflessness is also "common" to the naked eye. (Nominee: @coffee abbot)

@Michael and the puppy ThankYou

- Seeing that Michael is always busy and doesn't seem to have much rest, I can't bear to increase his burden. However, if possible, of course I hope he can occupy a seat. After all, he is the boss of Steemit and the guts of Matters! (Nominated by: @Daisy)
-Mi Gao is a guide for many citizens on the station. He has written a lot of novice guide articles explaining how Matt City works, why Matt City is worth joining, how to use the likecoin wallet, etc. It is really from the standpoint of novice users To explain the problem, it is easy to understand, and I believe it has provided useful help to many citizens. Matt City's warmest "newcomer punch-in" tradition was initiated by Mikoto and Kiryu. More than 1,000 citizens have participated in the punch-in, and almost all of them have received responses. This openness and enthusiasm have also become important to Matt City. background color. (Nominee: @gai)


- The ID after everyone's name is suggested by the chairman. The original litigation system was also discussed by the chairman. To promote the decentralization of Matters' content mechanism, it is proposed to remove the "headline" function set by Matty on the homepage article, and hand over the power of content screening to every citizen. Under his auspices, Matters gave birth to the first literary award: the Kuomintang Literary Award. The Kuomintang Literature Award has been held for 24 consecutive sessions, and many excellent literary works have been selected, benefiting authors and readers who love literature. And the award also got the attention of @Matty, promising "award-winning literature headlines." Based on the Kuomintang Literature Award, the chairman also launched Matters' first magazine: Cub Magazine. (Nominated by: @Lola)


-Lola is one of my reasons to stay in Matt City. She is always gentle. Her perseverance is so powerful. After every quarrel, I would read lola's poems, thinking to myself, it's so nice to have such a gentle person, so different from me. Matt City Architects should have users like lola, who herself is the embodiment of Matt City's ideal character. Lola is also an active participant in community activities, and she writes newcomer punch cards with a sincere love for the city of Matt. (Nominees: @wu Guoyi, @Matty)

@Volunteer Grandpa

- Ruomat City is a real community. I imagine grandpa passing by each door energetically every day, stopping from time to time to gossip with everyone. His humorous and funny style attracts everyone. Grandpa's Secret Skills for Newcomers to Matt City is a beginner's guide for newcomers to Matt City. (Nominee: @EmmaEmma)
-The grandfather of volunteers is really one of the most energetic citizens of Matt City that I have ever seen. "Dunifying relatives and neighbors" refers to grandpa~ A warmhearted neighbor is the key to maintaining peace and peace in the community~ (Nominee: @yingxin)
- He works hard to sponsor and talk to you, I think Matters needs his energy and ability to talk to people without fear of anything. (Nominated by: @Daisy)

@Reading Pen Farming

-Reading Bigeng is a frequent visitor to Matt City. He is also very willing to encourage the author. Often when I open a new article, I have seen him clapping for that article. Both clapping and support are great motivating effects for authors, and nothing builds a community more than such behavior. Recently, he also launched a personal sponsorship program. In my opinion, this is an attempt to create a new form of creation. I believe his experience can give Matt City a very positive feedback and make Matt City grow stronger. (Nominee: @yingxin)

@DrYuan. dumplings

-Dr. Tang Yuan is part of the Matty City Operations Volunteer Team, helping Matty keep the community running. There was a trumpet controversy before, and no one settled the community activities. At that time, it was Tangyuan who took the initiative to propose to the work team that they could help with the settlement, so that the community activities could be successfully concluded, and citizens who actively participated in the activities could also receive bonuses. Tangyuan's creations in Matt City are very diverse. In addition to sharing Malaysia with everyone, she has also initiated community activities. She also participated in Let Love Power Generation with children's picture books as the theme. 👏👏 (Nominee: @yingxin )

@shooter mommy tingting

-Tingting pioneered the "mother writing" in Matt City, attracting more mother writers and opening up a new writing route in Matt City. This kind of pioneering ability is very powerful. To expand the city of Matt, we need authors with this quality to work together with us. Another amazing deed of Tingting is that she bought a MacBook with LikeCoin earned from writing, which is really valuable to realize the creation. The most convincing example~~ (Nominee: @yingxin)

@Everyday a new experience

-Xiao Ha's mother strung the 62 authors she knew into a fantasy story, and it was even more rare to incorporate the author's special style into the content of the story, which shows that she is familiar with many citizens. Although she has to take care of her family and Xiao Ha, she often sees her wonderful comments in the articles of the citizens, which shows that she often appears in Matt City. ( @EmmaEmma)


-I feel that William is often involved in various controversial political topics, and has also been criticized and questioned by various positions, but he has always maintained a good mood and a positive attitude, and is very able to take care of various situations of netizens. There is a kind of attitude towards people Caring emotional presence. He also cares about Matters' litigation system reform and makes suggestions for it. (Nominee: @eggbreaker)
-William once mentioned that the litigation system in Matt City needs to be changed, and an attempt can be made to introduce a jury mechanism to replace the current cumbersome and inefficient litigation process. Matt city station is also very interested, indicating that the architects may take on this responsibility. If architects are to take on this responsibility in the future, william is a must. I think william's insistence on value is far greater than his own position, and the judgment he made must be well-founded and consistent. And his own moderate stance also helps ease some users' distrust and feeling of being suppressed by the judgment. He is also one of the best at explaining the verdict and process. (Nominee: @wu Guoyi)


-Daisy is the self-proclaimed number one member and president of the LikeCoin Support Association. He is a citizen appreciated by Yuanzu, and is keen to introduce the gameplay of LikeCoin to everyone. He is also an active participant in community activities. Adoption, I hope that daisy can continue to drive the public's understanding of virtual digital currency and become the leader of the LikeCoin construction team in Matt City 😊. (Nominees: @Daisy, @Matty)


-Tofu made a tool for the author of Matt City to organize the article catalog. I wonder if everyone knows it? The usage is very simple: click on the URL: https://matalogue.netlify.app/ , enter your username and the time period of the article you want to crawl, you can get your article target, and you can copy it directly. Because Matters can't organize article goals at one time, it can only be pulled down continuously on the personal homepage. This function is definitely very useful for authors with many works. Thank you for making tofu with your heart. I also nominated tofu as an architect here. I look forward to more useful gadgets in the future 😊. (Nominee: @gai)


-Horo has launched a number of community activities, one of which is to call on talented designers in the community to design medals for Matters (directly taking over the work of Matters designers). He is a very active and enthusiastic citizen of Matt City. (Nominated by: @Matty)


-The No. 1 user in Matters City has made an irreplaceable contribution to the early infrastructure construction of Matters City. You can learn about Matters' product iteration history in the " Matters Product Archaeology " released by Andy. Later, Andy also continued to provide Matt City has developed several open source tools, including the much-loved Golden Sentence Sticker Maker . (Nominated by: @Matty)


- Tiaogu continued to pay attention to decentralization, and kept asking and thinking about how the cooperation between Matters and likecoin could truly meet the goal of centralization. At the same time, he developed a wishing pool tool for Matt City, and also shared with you through the data analysis of articles on Matters. What kind of articles can get more attention , have enough understanding of Matters and are willing to put effort into building this community. (Nominated by: @Matty)


-Poetry and book review writing has few followers in Matt City, and MaryVentura launched the Poetry and Book Review Tribal Longevity Project in Matt City to provide a supportive field for creative enthusiasts. (Nominated by: @Matty)


-Poppel is a popular author in Matt City. At the same time, he has participated in many community activities and launched a game circle in Matt City . He has recommended articles and authors related to games in Matt City in detail and wonderfully. It can be seen that His in-depth attention and attentiveness to the content of Matt City. (Nominated by: @Matty)

@Unidentified Flying Rabbit

-Unidentified Flying Rabbit spared no effort to promote the token economy in the early days of the cooperation between Matters and LikeCoin, initiated the Matters Nobel Prize , is also an important advocate of the Matters litigation system, and is an important behind-the-scenes promoter of the @Datters group . Made important contributions to the urban construction of Matt City. (Nominated by: @Matty)


Matty is the administrator of Matt, whose job is to create a creative platform where creation is valuable and free.

The above "Matt City Architects" will get more rights to carry out the city construction of Matt City. At present, the rights of exclusive architects are:

1. Achievement Medal: Each architect will receive the "Matt City Architect" medal and halo (we will inform you when it goes online)

2. Privileges of community management:

  • The lawsuit initiated by the architect does not require 10 people to clap, and automatically passes the threshold and enters the voting stage.
  • The community essay activity automatically passes the threshold, and in addition to the matching donation bonus, an additional bonus of 5,000 LikeCoins will be awarded.
  • Can be a public tag manager with more than 100 users (currently these tags are managed by Matty).

Architect rights will continue to expand as the city of Matt develops, and architect selections are held on a regular quarterly basis . It is hoped that more and more citizens will join the ranks of architects and build the future of Matt City together.

thank you all!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!