
Venus,二十代女生,與美學和文字為伴,奉行人生哲學——好好過日子。 有事可以寫信給我 《好好過日子》臉書專頁 Instagram @venus_free

English educational video, re-understanding depression

The word "Melancholy" comes from the ancient Greek "Melancholia". If the word is taken apart, the first half of the word "melan" is used to describe "darkness", and "chole" refers to "bile". The ancient Greeks believed that Depression is caused by the imbalance of black bile secretion.

When I was learning English at home a while ago, I found a very meaningful animated short film called "On Feeling Melancholy", which is only three minutes long but worth reflecting on. The following excerpts from the video are shared with you. Melancholy is not shameful, as long as we face it properly.

Taken from video content

 Modern society tends to emphasize buoyancy and cheerfulness, but we have to admit that reality is for the most part about grief and loss.
Today's society values positivity and happiness, but we must admit that real life is mostly mixed with sadness and loss.

The good life is not one immune to sadness, but one in which suffering contributes to our development.
A good life is not about avoiding sadness, it is about turning everything you encounter into a driving force for growth.

You have not been singled out, that your suffering belongs to humanity in general. To take that fully to heart is to become more compassionate and less vengeful.
You are not isolated because everyone has these sad emotions, and by opening your heart to your sadness, you can become a more empathetic and less resentful person.

Taken from video content

When the pace of modern people accelerates and pursues material things vigorously, there is no way to relieve melancholy. Maybe try to slow down, stretch and take a breath, and release your emotions at the right time to live a happier life.

full video link


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