
停学漂泊,正在改变人生轨迹。 希望活在世界边缘,创造核心价值。


今天我们来聊聊不一样的话题: 电影。欣赏、解析社会和历史主题的电影是我的兴趣之一。我享受镜头下呈现的美感,以及故事即现象背后值得深思的human and societal conditions. 这次咱们来个中英对照版,分享文章的同时也一起来学习语言吧~

Oppenheimer the Movie could likely be one of the most robust film of 2023. Directed by Christopher Noah and casting Cillian Murphy, one would expect stellar cinematography and authentic character portrayal.

It informed me of how the atomic bomb was invented and also got me to reflect a bit on how he could yield such an achievement.


Oppenheimer played by Cillian Murphy, Credit: Universal Pictures.

3h is reallllly long so my summary got pretty long too, skip if you know his story already:

In case you haven’t watched :


J. Robert Oppenheimer, a brilliant physicist, played a pivotal role in the Manhattan Project, leading the development of the atomic bomb. His early fascination with physics was hindered by a lack of skill in hands-on experiments and a distaste for practical work at Cambridge. However, his pursuit of theoretical physics in Gottingen unleashed his potential, particularly in the realm of quantum physics.


Returning to the United States, Oppenheimer held significant academic positions, earning renown for his expertise and teaching. His involvement in the Manhattan Project culminated in his appointment as scientific director. Under his guidance, the first successful atomic bomb was created and used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Despite labelling it a “technical success,” Oppenheimer grappled with the profound moral implications of his creation.


Recognizing the dangers of a nuclear arms race, he voiced opposition to further advancements, including the hydrogen bomb. Subsequent allegations of communist sympathies led to security clearance hearings, resulting in the revocation of his clearance. Oppenheimer’s life illustrates the intricate interplay between scientific advancement, ethical dilemmas, and personal convictions during a transformative period in history.


Despite the macro themes explored by the movie, I was especially curious about the success of Oppenheimer:

What cooked the glam?



Christopher Nolan, left, and Cillian Murphy on the set of "Oppenheimer". Credit: Universal Pics

Indeed, it might sound disheartening, yet the reality is that being born into wealth can provide a significant head start, provided we harness the advantages we’re granted.


Many of us inherently sense our desired path — you know you are good at art, at theories, at things that are deemed impractical and may take time to explore. This vision can be suppressed by financial pressures, diverting us from our true aspirations.


Our access to optimal options for maximizing our potential becomes restricted. Often, we settle for the safest course within our financial boundaries, with limited opportunity to explore alternatives. It demands extra time, effort, and courage to venture beyond our financial constraints.


Consider Oppenheimer, whose financial concerns are probably out of sight. He effortlessly transitioned between esteemed institutions, concentrating on pursuits aligned with his talents and interests. This privileged journey, paradoxically, leads to the most substantial wealth accumulation over time. Freed from monetary constraints, he had the liberty to pursue what he was best suited for, ultimately reaping the benefits of his passion and dedication.


Environment 🏞️环境

Oppenheimer in Cambridge, credit: Universal Pictures

With the above point being said, having wealth was not the only ingredient.


Oppenheimer’s brilliance was stifled during his time at Cambridge, an unexpected misfit in an elite institution. It’s perplexing that a prestigious institution could constrain someone’s potential, but that was his reality. This underscores how having access to top resources is insufficient if they don’t align with one’s innate abilities.


I deeply resonate with this perspective. Despite attending some of the finest educational institutions in Singapore and China, I’ve felt creatively stifled. The pressure to conform to programs and tasks I’m neither passionate about nor skilled in has hindered my ability to create value. This experience has dampened my spirit, making me question the feasibility of my aspirations, which seem distant in my current situation.


While some argue that seemingly unrelated experiences contribute to holistic character growth and narrow down our future paths, I can’t help but wonder if a more nurturing environment would be a simpler, more effective solution. Imagine facing the same challenges and cultivating the same virtues, but in an environment that embraces our true selves, fostering confidence and authenticity. Such an approach might pave the way for a more genuine and efficient personal development journey.


Being 👤自我

Oppenheimer reflected upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s tragedy. Credit: Universal Pictures

The power of knowledge is extraordinary; its impact hinges on how it’s wielded. When applied for the greater good, knowledge becomes a tool of immense value. Yet, even the most brilliant minds are not immune to mistakes and moral dilemmas. J. Robert Oppenheimer’s story is a testament to this complexity, as he confronted the profound ethical consequences of his scientific achievements.

Despite his intellectual prowess, Oppenheimer found himself grappling with the moral implications of the atomic bomb’s creation. This introspective struggle underscores a universal truth:

No matter one’s status, ability, or intellect, the fundamental question of purpose as a sentient being remains.

The pursuit of knowledge, in his case, brought him “technical success” but also, to the forefront of an ethical dilemma. All of us, ultimately would confront the universal question — what is the purpose of a living being?



无论地位、能力和智商,每个人的核心问题仍然是: 要创造什么样的价值?

So — Wealth, Environment and Being.


The few ingredients which I found in Oppenheimer’s achievement. Realistically speaking, wealth can give you a head start. However, there are factors we can control — strategically landing yourself in a fitting environment and always taking care of the moral value of your pursuit.

In other words:

We cannot control the wealth granted since born.

We can choose our environment.

We have full autonomy over our sense of being.





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