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Homecoming: Relationships with Parents, Determine Your Distance from Happiness

A deep and bloody life story.
Image source: blog

I deliberately let myself read this book when I returned to my hometown for the holidays. In addition to the title of the book being close to reality, I also tried to immerse myself in the atmosphere of reunion with my family, in order to be more integrated into everything the author wanted to express.

The well-known author is Lai Peixia, a senior artist who has a beautiful face with a deep outline, but she was separated from her father since childhood and raised by her mother alone. Because she has no siblings to be with her, she has always felt lonely in her heart for many years, and she was born with her mother. Many frictions and contradictions have always plagued her. Lai Peixia, who wanted to work hard to build a happy little family of her own when she was an adult, also entered marriage early, but she unexpectedly fell in the marriage. She left the broken marriage with her two young daughters and experienced a lot of pain. And the mental journey of collapse, and because of this, opened the way to explore yourself.

It is cruel to have a person face themselves and open the most unbearable scars in their hearts, but the spiritual growth course is to ask people to face their own pain and walk into their own sadness, and Lai Peixia is also in the course again and again Seeing her vulnerability and slowly making herself stand up bravely, I admire her persistence and perseverance. After all, it is not easy to face your emotions and the dark side sincerely, but it is even more difficult to accept yourself and feel love and support. It is even more difficult, because in addition to the regrets caused by the lack of fatherly love in the original family and the setbacks caused by the failure of the marriage, it has brought huge pain. In addition to the busyness of parenting, it is difficult to do without strong willpower. In the book, you can feel how persevering and perseverance a woman, mother, and daughter have shown.

However, the book not only deeply depicts the author's relationship with father, mother, ex-husband, and daughters, but also depicts the relationship between the author and the current husband. Perhaps readers will find it a little incredible, the relationship between husband and wife is really Can we respect each other, respect each other, and love each other? Lai Peixia told us that in addition to the influence of the original family, these can also be cultivated through acquired learning. As long as we have the heart to maintain each other's feelings and believe in the existence of love, we must learn to let ourselves put aside negative thoughts. It is a good way to mention "meditation", and there is also a little description of the method of "reversing the mind". In fact, many times we are trapped by the thoughts that we deeply believe in our minds and make us feel knotted. In fact, the author said: "My pain has nothing to do with anyone else, it's all caused by me."

Now, Lai Peixia can reunite with her biological father who left her in the past and let go of her past suspicions. She also reconciled with her mother before her death. She is even more grateful to her marriage with her ex-husband for making her understand herself better and grow up. Reversal has become the nourishment of life, and nourishes more people who are still trapped in it. Isn't it an admirable and inspiring positive energy story?

We and our friends can be as light as water, or they can be separated if we disagree, but the relationship between us and our family is that blood is thicker than water and difficult to cut, so try to resolve the knot in each other's hearts as much as possible, when we no longer have resentment and negative energy in our hearts, It is easier to open your heart and embrace happiness.


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