
射手座,全職媽咪/斜槓寫作者/新性感雜誌共同創辦人 喜愛音樂、電影,更熱愛閱讀,資訊焦慮症患者 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083298701145 方格子:https://vocus.cc/user/5d4b0ef1fd89780001fc7e91

Childhood: Copenhagen Trilogy 1: How do you define your childhood?

What are your impressions of childhood? Is it a happy time worth remembering, or is it a scar you can't bear to see?
Image source: blog

I always joke to my friends that I don't have a childhood, the reason is that my childhood was spent in endless practice, competitions, exams, and I always heard the children from the neighbors playing and chasing outside while practicing the piano. Sound, I envy them in the house, and they envy me outside the house, they have witnessed the process of me stringing those broken notes into beautiful music, in their minds, learning music is a distant dream . But I always felt that my childhood was flawed. Those childhood years that should have belonged to me to the fullest just slipped away quietly by my side, as if they had something to do with me but were a little strange and alienated.

When I opened this autobiographical novel by Tove, a Danish national treasure poet , I was surprised that I was wrong! I should not mistakenly think that I have no childhood, my childhood is just a few memories of having fun, but I have the full love and care of my parents, even if I don’t have a rich material life, our needs are always highly responded, and we have The high-quality company of my parents and my grandmother has turned my childhood stereotypes upside down, because in the childhood memories of the Copenhagen trilogy, I saw the fragility and loneliness of a little girl, and the indifference of her parents drew a line in the little girl's heart. The bloodstains can only be expressed by writing poems to express the faint desire in the heart.

The author narrates the family atmosphere of childhood in the first-person writing style. The seemingly peaceful and rainless interaction between mother and daughter hides the mother's cold violence towards her daughter. When parents don't care about their children's feelings, they don't even want to talk to them. It was actually a form of mental abuse. The daughter was always concerned about her mother’s every move with trepidation, fearing that her words and deeds might offend her mother, she spent almost every day in a tense state. At the moment of smiling, this also gave the daughter a reason to convince her mother that she was loving, so her childhood was tossed with such contradictory emotions. In addition to the alienation of the mother-daughter relationship, the values of the father and the mother often quarrel because of the differences. The interaction between the father and the elder brother is also good and bad. After all, it falls apart due to differences. A seemingly intact family is actually It is riddled with holes and has a high degree of similarity with many family backgrounds we are familiar with, and it also resonates particularly well.

The little girl in the author's book is not only left out in the family, but also disguises herself in the interpersonal relationship with her peers. Because of the fear of not being liked, she puts on a mask to hide herself. She can only read and write. Looking for spiritual sustenance, but also established creative talent, the secrets of childhood are poems , and I also hope that one day I can become famous and leave the tragic childhood that I desperately want to escape but cannot get rid of.

The author looks back on his childhood at the age of about 50. Everything seems to be vivid in his eyes. The elegant and dazzling words are so beautiful that one can't look directly at them. It is an amazing work that is rarely seen in my personal reading experience. In addition to the author's own textual background, the translators of Malaysian descent also make great contributions. It is a set of classic works that are very worthy of collection.


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