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Is socializing important to children?

In fact, as long as you are a human being, it is necessary!

"Mommy, you see this was given to us by classmate XX today for our birthday." My daughter couldn't wait to show me a bag of gifts from her schoolbag. The scene was at the school gate, and a famous car was parked next to the child to pick up the child from class. , and there are several parents sitting on the locomotive behind them, looking for their children in the school. I hurriedly held my daughter's hand and stepped forward, afraid of blocking the endless stream of vehicles.

Along the way, my daughter talked nonstop with the gift package from her classmates, and from time to time she had to pay attention to the behavior of jumping on the road because she was too excited. Gifts have changed from candy biscuits in the past to oversized stationery, hand towels, etc., and even prepared Princess Elsa-related products that female classmates liked. I have to admire the intentions of the parents, but I also have a question. : "Could it be that kindergarten should start to do public relations for children?"

In fact, when I first received the gifts carefully prepared by the parents, I felt a little disgusted. The reason was that this move would cause pressure from other parents, as if there was an invisible force telling us to follow suit. We should also pay for the benefits, but after thinking about it, another question arises, that is, the economic situation of each family is different. Is this cost really necessary? It's fun to receive gifts and celebrate birthdays at school, but will these short-lived memories be forgotten in the future?

Until I read the book "Trust Communication" in the past few days, the author mentioned that social interaction and health are closely related , and as a parent, we should pay attention to children's social skills rather than just academic performance , and encourage children to show kindness to others That is to establish interpersonal relationships. Don’t underestimate the age of children. We always think that they are good as long as they have playmates, and they do not need to maintain friendship between children. Besides, children will be divided into classes when they reach a higher grade. Why do you need to spend time and money on building a relationship that can be disconnected at any time? In the past, I also had such thoughts. Is it really necessary to spend money to help my daughter please other classmates? But as I brought back the gifts from my classmates again and again, I found that my daughter not only remembered clearly what each classmate gave, but also felt satisfied that she could receive a gift, so I also began to reflect on giving gifts to my classmates on her birthday. The main idea is to invite everyone to share happiness together. Why should gift-giving be regarded as a stressful and negative thing?

In the book "Trusted Communication", it is mentioned that although friendships at a young age become irrelevant and vague memories in the future, but these relationships are very important in the present, forming the core of our personality, self-esteem and self-awareness , In today's education-first system, we are so focused on academics that we completely ignore the need for children to develop their own interests and social skills. However, these needs are equally important to adults . We No one can live alone, and proper relationships help maintain physical and mental health.

Of course, social interaction is not only based on money exchanges, and the specific presentation methods are ever-changing. In kindergarten age, a cookie and a sticker can make them happy all day long. As parents, we should not be stingy. To spend a little money and deprive children of opportunities to share happiness with their peers, cultivating children to have healthy connections with others from an early age can indeed improve self-confidence and learning ability , why not do it?

All the little things in life can trigger the switch at some point, which is really interesting!

Image source: unsplash


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