
曾任台中日月千禧酒店24F 景觀餐廳 樂師 台北濕地《失落的伊甸園》微森林藝術展 展覽配樂製作 台北金車文藝中心-承德館《時光旅人》 展覽配樂製作 老虎牙子-廣告配樂製作 新北市政府親子情感教育篇-微電影配樂製作 Mystery of the Kingdom-動畫電影配樂 南投縣高中聯合監製《中漂之後》-微電影配樂製作 離你越近的地方,路途越遠;最簡單的音調,需要最艱苦的練習。 —泰戈爾

Zhang Xiamu Korean drama is mentally ill, but it doesn't matter Golden Sentence Quotes Classic Lines Mental Disorder

One of the must-see Korean dramas in the second half of 2020, "Although It's Okay, It's Okay", following "It's Okay, It's Love" and "Kill Me Heal Me", another Korean drama "It's Okay, It's Okay, Although It's Psychotic" with the theme of mental illness. The black fairy tale begins with the content of the story surrounded by sociopaths, autistic patients and spiritual caregivers, interpreting difficult problems such as emotional blackmail. Nearly 80% of South Koreans suffer from mental illness, and 20% of them rely on drugs. In an era of high pressure and a large gap between the rich and the poor, people more or less suppress their own side just to show "normal" in front of outsiders. Is this normality also a form of social bullying? This drama conveys the belief of warmth and healing. Lead the audience to better understand the feelings and situation of people suffering from congenital defects in the play. Kim Soo Hyun returned from the army and returned to the first TV work. It is a dark love story against aesthetics and romance. A lot of fairy tales are quoted in the play. Fairy tales are not hallucinogens that carry dreams, but sober agents that awaken reality as reminders of the classic famous lines in the play. It's all like that! He obviously didn't know how many people he had killed in his heart, but he put on a hypocritical face. After all, there is no perfect person in the world. - Trapped in the past, you will never be able to get out, you will never find the door, so don't forget, you have to overcome the past, if you can't overcome it, you are just a child with a small soul. - I've been tied up for so long that I forgot how to get off the collar. - Once trapped in the past, you can't get out. After a long time, you won't be able to find the door. - Only those who have been in real pain can understand real pain. - Selfishness is not necessarily a bad thing, if it is really too hard, you should consider your own happiness first! - If you want to make the people around you happy, you have to make yourself happy. - You don't laugh, it looks nasty. You smile like a clown, your eyes are sad, but the corners of your mouth are raised. - People cannot be ranked randomly. We like, cherish, and attach to each person differently. Yellow is also divided into bright yellow, light yellow, and dark yellow. The color will be different because of brightness and chroma, not to mention human emotions? - Don't look up at the stars in the sky, look at your feet stuck in the mud, that's the reality. When you admit and accept the moment of reality, everyone will be really happy. Each character in the play has its own object of escape, which may be the parents of the original family, the fear of being abandoned, etc., but only by choosing to face the conflict and unbearableness can we reconcile with the child who was hurt in the past and find the original self. Finally, Xia Mu recommends this OST to everyone (I think this is the best ^^)


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