
曾任台中日月千禧酒店24F 景觀餐廳 樂師 台北濕地《失落的伊甸園》微森林藝術展 展覽配樂製作 台北金車文藝中心-承德館《時光旅人》 展覽配樂製作 老虎牙子-廣告配樂製作 新北市政府親子情感教育篇-微電影配樂製作 Mystery of the Kingdom-動畫電影配樂 南投縣高中聯合監製《中漂之後》-微電影配樂製作 離你越近的地方,路途越遠;最簡單的音調,需要最艱苦的練習。 —泰戈爾

Zhang Xiamu Sakura Tears Nigel Silin (Piano Cover) Relaxingmusic

Sheet Music Piano Cover Piano

composer snigellin

Legend has it that Japan's national flower, the cherry blossom, originated from a beautiful and moving myth.

A long time ago, there was a smart and beautiful girl named Muhuakai Yeji,

That is, at the end of the year, Sakura started from Okinawa, Japan, passing through Jiuzhou, Kansai, Kanto,

She arrived in Hokkaido in May and June of the second year, and along the way, she scattered cherry blossoms all over Japan.

Since then, cherry blossoms have bloomed in Japan for thousands of years, and they are like clouds every year, and are deeply loved by the Japanese people.

The reason why the Japanese people have designated the cherry blossom as the national flower, in addition to its purity, elegance, and sublime,

Also in memory of the hard-working and kind-hearted girl Muhuakai Yeji.


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