HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
HJ|Chaos to Cosmos

我們不說再見,我們在路上見|https://liker.land/redisyoyo/civic 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能

HJ's critical reflection | Political correctness to moral correctness

The morally right person thinks he has done the morally right and good thing, as if avoiding all the possibility of "doing wrong".


In a society ravaged by capitalism, everyone regards interests and efficiency as the highest value criteria. They do not regard human beings as beings with ideals and values.

Under this background, people's interactions with each other are only formal and superficial. They have no interest in "intrinsic value" at all, and they are also full of doubts about ideals and beliefs.

The master of superficial work

Saying things that go against your heart for profit, especially for political purposes, being a superficial and superficial person and refusing to communicate with anyone is what we call "political correctness".

Say what the other person wants to hear for a political or social purpose: make yourself a good image in the other person's mind.

Pretence and observation are the important foundations behind such "politically correct" behavior, disguising one's deepest thoughts and observing the other's preferences and needs.

moral shield

There is another kind of person who has already grown up, but has not even achieved the "60 points of socialization", especially those who grew up under the care of family members or the overheating of the stratosphere. They have been cared for since they were young, and they have never felt that for survival, for reality, rather than being able to pretend, they become what they don't like or go against their original intentions.

They construct their own moral concept from themselves, and face the world with such a moral concept, and according to this, they believe that such concept is in line with ideals or teachings, and they do not think there is any problem with this.

It will be further stated that such moral condemnation of others is "promised by God", faith and self-righteous moral superiority are their excuses for kidnapping others.

Right at this moment, they transitioned from being "politically correct" to being "morally correct."

Neither political correctness nor moral correctness is desirable. The logic behind the latter is even more self-centered, believing that only the God in one's mind is the real God, and only the set of ethical views constructed by oneself is a view that is "Christian-like".

pray to the law

On the one hand, praying to God to accomplish things, on the other hand, it is always unaware that what is lacking "after prayer" is practice. With their Pharisee-like formalism, they thought that after prayer, good fruit would fall from the sky.

Their principles lack a vision other than themselves. The morally right person thinks he has done the morally right and good thing, as if avoiding all the possibility of "doing wrong".

After all, if you think you're doing the right thing morally, then if you don't do anything else, it should be fine, right?

self-righteousness to the highest

This is the logic behind these people: they are not aggressive, and naively think that doing morally correct things is like giving an account to God, and taking God as the highest code in concept seems to have won the gold medal.

They are not Kant's deontologists, simply and forcefully making the world judged by them.

They are half-deontists, and they can't be a person who practices categorical imperatives at all. They care about one thing and another, want to be perfect but lack the will of concrete practice.

For a true deontologist does not have a question of "capacity", only a doubt of will.

A field of excessive care makes everyone feel warm, but it can easily become a breeding ground for cultivating moral correctness.


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