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"Suffix" interview and writing camp, the first draft of the interview|What I know is what I don't know

This article is the interview outline for the "Suffix" writing camp - let's take his nickname as a starting point, and go straight into the memory of this Matters citizen...
Photo by Christina @wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

◈ Which citizen did you interview?

Interviewer: @Reading Pen Farming.
Interviewee: @Travel Reading from the Heart.

◈ Why? What attracts you to him (trait, expertise)? What is the most curious and interesting thing about him?

When I first saw the nickname @lvducongxin  ( hereinafter referred to as Luda), I knew that there were many questions that I could ask him ( torture ), which happened to be the dismantling of the word - travel, reading, and heart.

I happened to be in two online reading clubs (one of which is a public welfare reading club ) with Lu Datong. From the usual speeches, I learned that he likes mountain climbing, and he is also a railway fan himself, and he also rowed dragon boats ! It can be said that it is all-encompassing to go up the mountain and down to the sea (water)! Curious about his imagination and longing for the " brigade ".

After that, from the newcomer to check-in , and later watching the documentary "Revolution of the Times" , and even the style of book selection - " Xiangjiang Detective Fuer, Word Moss ", " 13·67 "... Between the lines, it is not the first time that it has been revealed He cherished the land of Hong Kong , and also wanted to have a glimpse of Luda's development of reading and listening, especially his special feelings for Hong Kong. This is the part about " reading ".

Lvda has launched a special series titled "Two and Three Things about Volunteers ", which is really a humanistic activity with a " heart ": caring, enthusiastic, careful and patient. In the Easy-to- read training I , I talked about the diversity of visitors, such as elementary school students or groups of people with mental disabilities. In addition to taking care of the quality of the content, the way of communication is a big test . One thing goes deeper:

Easy to read, as the name suggests, is to convert complex information and difficult words into easy-to-read and easy-to-understand content.
Easy-to-read helps the public to more efficiently intercept and absorb the information they need in this era of information explosion. Therefore, it can be said that no one does not need easy-to-read.

Part of my writing field is related to teaching, and naturally I am very interested in the topic of "easy to read ".

I have been knocking on the bowl for a long time, and I will explore the " heart " journey of this volunteer journey for everyone.

◈ What question do you want to ask him? Did the other party agree to be interviewed?

He has agreed to be interviewed. The questions I want to ask him are:

  1. Can you briefly introduce yourself in the " Elevator Briefing " for everyone in Matt City?

  2. Your English ID of Matt City is michenhk0927, and the little easter egg of "hk" is buried. Tell me about your memory of Hong Kong, and why are you so passionate about this land?

  3. What was your most profound experience about " Brigade "? During the pandemic years, we should have accumulated a lot of energy to prepare for it (laughs)! Are there any specific plans for the medium and long term?

  4. Regarding " reading ", what type of books do you usually like to read? What is your favorite book so far? Why? I see that you are a user of e-book readers and talk about your views on e-books.

  5. Regarding the " heart ", what kind of karma brought you into contact with volunteer services? How long have you been doing it? Have you encountered any special situations (for example: difficult visitors, caring visitors...) can you share with everyone?

  6. In your self-introduction column, you mentioned the phrase " what I know is what I don't know ". Is this your motto? Why? What are your thoughts, experiences, and gains in writing (in Matt City)?

  7. Continuing on, what have you learned so far about " Exploring the Web3 World through Creation "? Compared with the Web2 era, how do you feel?

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