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Novel Writing|July and August Chapter 1 July and August

Hello, my name is July. Many people asked me why I changed my name. I said that July is a special day for me. July is very powerful. July is the most beautiful month. July is July. , So my name is July. After listening to it, everyone will feel that I am a very profound, very connotative, inscrutable, and someone who has something to say in his words.

Hello, my name is July. Many people asked me why I changed my name. I said that July is a special day for me. July is very powerful. July is the most beautiful month. July is July. , So my name is July. After listening to it, everyone will think that I am a very profound, profound, inscrutable, and someone who has something to say in his words. As a result, most people think that I am... In fact, I am not I know, some say "oh", some say "how is July so powerful", some say "you're cool", some say "I understand you", some say "my mother has a good The doctor can introduce". Forget it, I don't really care what other people think of me, I only care about how I feel different from others. I just think about July, and I think someone will call it July. It's special enough, so I'll call it July. Bar!

I am in my second year of high school. Today is the first day of school. As soon as I enter the school gate, I hear a sentence here in September, and a sentence there, hello, I am November, and July 53... Yes, my classmates like to follow me like this Communication, joking about my name, I also enjoy it, saying that July is the best. At this time, an unfamiliar voice appeared, I think August is also very good, just when I want to Turning around to respond, I thought to myself that when Jin was joking with me again, wait a minute, who is this? A person I don't know at all, a very beautiful and lovely girl, so I asked why August is also good, she said, I just think August is good, August is a very special month for me Month. I asked, "What's so special about it?" She was cute and a little picky and said "I won't tell you." I thought to myself that this person has more interests than me, and doesn't even need to explain. It's more mysterious than me. It must be the same as me who wants to make people feel different, there are competitors, be careful. Then what is your name, she replied: "My name is August". What the hell, it's called August... .(If you want to see it, please go to the link below, it's free, thank you for your support.



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