
藥師X寫手X投資人 我的文章名符其實,可能會讓你覺得不舒服,就像吃藥完的苦澀。 [💊藥師🖋寫作者💵投資者] [健康X自我成長X投資心法] 線上免費用藥諮詢服務上架囉~ Line ID:@pharmwithu 預約線上用藥諮詢:https://reurl.cc/NANxjm logicpharm.org

331. It is more important to improve your ability than to communicate everywhere

Interpersonal relationships are very important, but more important than interpersonal relationships, whether there is connotation is more important. If you don’t have anything in your stomach, you will only socialize with people. In the end, you will only have a lot of friends. Concentrate on things that can improve yourself first. , allow yourself to learn and have more and better skills and eventually others will come to you on their own Sounds realistic but that's the real world game

Interpersonal relationships are important, but more important than interpersonal relationships

If you don't have anything in your stomach, you will only socialize with people, and in the end you will only have a lot of friends.

Conversely, focus on doing things that can improve yourself first, let yourself learn and have more and better skills, and eventually others will come to you by themselves

Sounds realistic, but that's how the game works in the real world

The power of unity is great, and you will never grow by doing it alone, but if you just want to rub the heat, anyone with a discerning eye can see it

So how do you know that you are really getting stronger?

The real strength does not need to be proved. The strong that needs to be proved is actually the weak that is clearly self-proven.

Don't be in a hurry to show your strengths, and don't run away from your weaknesses. People with similar values will eventually gather together.

Good content will take you to heaven, and good marketing will make the creator wealth free

Off topic:

Be careful of yourself becoming someone else's cash cow. Take the recent popular NFTs as an example. Most of them are just scams. You will say that you are a collector's item, but that's just what you say to comfort yourself when the price collapses . Don't be fooled by the gorgeous packaging. Eyes, please invest carefully~


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賺錢也賺幸福的精髓是在於找到生活的平衡,讓時間發揮複利的效果,過程肯定枯燥無味,就讓我們一起來圍爐吧~ 你可以在這邊得到: 1.全球化變動型資產配置(非傳統股債配置,融合因子投資及加密貨幣的新組合) 2.人生如何短捨離 3.以藥師的角度講述預防醫學

