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Mlog20220113: Visually impaired people can make their own maps

With the development of technology, things that were unimaginable in the past are becoming more and more possible.

I read " Machines and Artists Created by Collective Minds" by @bean mud .

Wenzong mentioned a Kaiyuan software that can generate pictures by artificial intelligence by entering text. I couldn't be more excited when I read this article.

Now when writing on the Internet, most people will attach pictures. The visually impaired are very disadvantaged in this regard. Because this population can hardly make pictures by means of photography and painting. If you must have pictures, you can only find pictures on the free gallery website. However, the pictures in the gallery do not necessarily match the content of the article, and it will always be weird to send them out. This is also the reason why I have rarely posted pictures over the years. But everyone knows that if you write a text without pictures, the chances of being searched for software tweets will be greatly reduced.

Now, artificial intelligence can help. Just enter text and the system will generate a picture for you based on your text. For the visually impaired, with the help of technology, inputting text has become a problem many years ago.

After reading the bean puree article, I couldn't wait to press into pixray to be a guinea pig. It turned out to be quite easy to operate! The following is a brief introduction to the operation process:

First, after clicking on the above website, you will see an edit box for the user to type text. Wow! Don't need to register? But really don't. Once inside, you can use this software to draw. Since it is an English interface, I also input English words. Since it was my first attempt, I made a simple drawing command: "a sleeping cat".

Second, after the input text jumps out of the edit box, the system has other command options. For example, image effect, width, speed or image quality, etc. After selecting the option you want from each menu, you can press "submit".

Third, after submitting, leave the page open, and then go take a shower and make a pot of coffee! Anyway, check back in half an hour. I think because there are too many drawing requests, users have to queue up! I waited about half an hour for the finished product after submitting the request. However, the system is also very considerate, and will remind the user of the current ranking.

Finally, I'm about to post my maiden work. Any comments are welcome. But no matter the effect, I am amazed at the power of technology. It does make a lot of things possible that were impossible in the past. I wonder if one day, visually impaired people will be able to make and publish their own NFT image works?

A sleeping cat by Taurus

A sleeping cat by Taurus


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