
流浪的黑兔星人,以文字編織不同的故事。 個站:https://story.blackrabbitjournal.com

Written at the beginning of the station: Don't forget your regrets

No Manjusahua, but the same gorgeous poppies

(Because of my wrong operation, I can't find how to unlock the hidden article OAQ, so I republish the article)

(The personal website is officially launched. This article is to record the reason for starting the station/launching the new project. You are welcome to visit my website as well . 😊: Black Rabbit Chronicles. Story Station )

The sudden situation at work brought me back to the cycle of finding a job.

Walking through Naihe Bridge, drinking Mengpo soup, becoming a human again, and past events are just a few words on the Three Lives Stone, just how long it will take to reincarnate.

When people are on Huangquan Road, the biggest feeling is that they are reluctant?

Well, not willing to have a stable income.

Humans are creatures who seek good fortune and avoid evil. They will always make the decision that is most beneficial to themselves. Under the framework of reality, they will devote themselves to the most promising (money) option within their ability. But if anyone asks, is that what you most want to do? Do you like what you do? Maybe the answer is just too simple-

Do not.

Maybe you don't like what you do at all, but what you want to do is not practical, and when what you want to do becomes work, it becomes very annoying (there are a few countless defenses below)

Naturally, some people are able to shine on the road they choose, and break out of their own world; there are also people who reluctantly float and sink.

Only regret - regret that I didn't work harder to develop second income, I was very passive on this reincarnation road.

If you don't want to do it again in the future, you must take action.

When people face a crisis, it is easy to seek the guidance of metaphysics. My favorite constellation teacher said that this is a month of great devastation. It is possible to say goodbye to the old job and welcome new development. It is between collapse and creation. Other tarot teachers also share the same hexagrams.

Well, let's act now.

As a result, the works of the planning state went online.

A series of supporting facilities have also been rushed out, such as social accounts/pages for publicity, art elements used on novel platforms and social platforms, and a station used as an operating base.

Challenge the rocker (keyboard) to create wealth again.

Recognize failure first

Recently on youtube, I naturally pay attention to how others start their own businesses and use social media. Those who shared their entrepreneurial experience all said that they did not succeed in one step, and failed many times in the middle.

Think calmly, there is no shortage of failures.

Since I was a student, I have lost a lot of works; I think that it is not easy to create, it is better to change the track to write after reading; I don’t read widely enough, I like to eat, and I am willing to spend money on it. Last year, I tried to be an amateur food blog, For the long-term development, I bought a domain, hosting, email service, and built my own website.

People are on the road, aware of their own shortcomings, and constantly adjust their direction.

There are many deficiencies, but there is one thing that these unsuccessful attempts have in common - have you insisted on producing results?

This time, in order not to spoil the work, and to strengthen the tension/rhythm of the work (the magic that attracts readers to watch it), I have found a lot of teaching on the Internet. There is an English Youtube channel. When I first watched it, it only had more than 2,000 subscriptions, right?

The content of the channel is full, the host's style is natural, updated and stable, and I am also its regular audience. Every time I watch a new video, or rewatch some teaching videos, I also feel that the number of subscriptions of more than 2,000 is too small.

It's just that the host is updated every Wednesday, about a year or two years later, and the number of subscriptions has exceeded 50,000.

The first video of the channel was released on May 29, 2017. It has been in business for more than three years. Judging from the frequency of growth, the first year was the most difficult, until it accumulated a certain number of subscriptions, plus perseverance , the number of subscriptions will be superimposed in duplicate.

I don't know if they have other operations to help the channel grow. But if people have other hard work, they have to steadily update the previous year before they start to see results. One day of fishing and two or three days of netting, it is conceivable that they will lose if they work hard and cannot break through.

Keyword for Restart: Consistent Yield

How to create second wealth and achieve financial freedom is probably a proposition that modern people have to overcome no matter which country they live in. Just like when I researched LikeCoin and clicked on the websites it supports, eight out of ten are also slashers, or amateur slashers, telling stories about personal brands, creating bits and pieces of personal brands, and guiding others to participate in it. The competition is quite large.

And these people also say that it is not easy to support yourself with a slash.

Just like the writing industry, Hong Kong practitioners say that Hong Kong has no market, and Taiwanese say that most of them are supported by projects other than writing. The mainland looks the most beautiful, but those who really support themselves full-time are also in the minority.

Thinking about it calmly, this argument that it is difficult to make a living seems to be on the lips of any industry practitioner when talking about his own industry.

Think about it again, when an office worker has a stable income every month, is it easy to show your value and climb up? Otherwise, there will not be so many people looking at their resumes, worrying about the inverse relationship between seniority and job title/job depth, or looking for their position in other fields.

Nothing in the world is easy.

If it's not easy, why not start with what interests you?

Writing is probably the least expensive thing to try. Publishing your own works on the Internet - no need to submit resumes, no interviews, no need to go through five hurdles to get a position, write what others want to write by yourself - just find a platform and continue to publish it. .

The goal is to be specific in order to catch up. Talent, luck, self-marketing, and even whether the story is good or bad, these are too vague, so just talk about the most realistic word count.

In the story writing teaching I have seen, some people use the number of words to measure the time it takes to become famous . He cited Jin Yong and the Nine Swords as examples, so I will give an example that is closer to my own direction.

Priest "Silent Reading" (a must-see for the original criminal investigation works in recent years)

According to Jinjiang's article information

Word count: 800,303 (after deducting five extra episodes, a total of more than 700 words)

Serialization days: 186 days

Average words per day: 4,303

Well, really a tough challenge XD

If more than four thousand a day is not enough, then three thousand, three thousand, two thousand, and two thousand, one thousand.

The point is, perseverance in real estate, natural practice makes perfect.

Maybe, you can't persist for a few days and then give up; maybe, you won't be able to achieve the expected return if you persist; but when you are idle at home, why not try to build something of your own?

At least at this moment, at this point in time, I really regret it, and I don't want to fall into a passive situation again in the future.

Facing your life calmly is the foundation of needing more income.

(Original: Black Rabbit Shimon. Story Station <Written at the beginning of the station: Don't forget your regrets> )

(First image: Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay )


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