
一個熱愛日本文化的女子,本以為自己有朝一日會到日本去打工度假的;結果在大三時到英國旅遊了三週之後,就愛上英國的人文藝術與社會文化,之後開啟一年多的倫敦留學與冒險:) 喜歡當時每天對各種新事物充滿好奇心及勇敢的自己,希望自己在回台後,一樣能在發現驚奇與刺激下度過每一天。

Get your intuition back

When was the last time you did something intuitively?

Frequently seek out help, but forget the self-healing writing ability.

After I calmed down, I realized that I actually knew what I wanted to do, but I almost drowned my thoughts in order to meet the expectations of others. I wanted to organize a few words of friends that I accidentally remembered, those words that can make me recharged in an instant, so I resumed the writing that I have always liked.

The last time I didn't think about anything, didn't ask anyone for advice, or even wanted to play tarot cards, was in England.

You knew what you wanted, so you didn't have to ask for permission.

You just went for it and found it was perfectly what you wanted.



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