
從事創意媒體十數年,熱愛藝術設計,希望將藝術與心靈結合融入生活。成立Mindflowjournal 心靈工作室,自創【心流系統】,分享導向圓滿成功的旅程。

Chapter 1 [Inner] Consciousness (Flow System)

Around 2018, I started the MindFlowJournal spiritual studio, started writing articles, and introduced the concepts and ideas of positive psychology, personal growth, and spiritual growth step by step, hoping to help more friends through sharing. In order to let more people know about my ideas, I categorize, analyze, and simplify my ideas outside of work. The flow system framework I established includes four key points, "internal positive change and creation", here I will Step by step, I will share with you the skills and mind-sets in it. In the previous article "Dualism of the Mind", I briefly introduced the basic concept of mind, and to solve the disease of the mind, we must use self-awareness.

People are very interesting. Many times they see with their eyes and hear with their ears. In the end, the messages they receive become the version of what they want to see and hear, and they fail to objectively understand or listen to their inner or outer world. "Dualism of Mind" wants to propose the difference arising from the connection of the two worlds. This difference not only closes your cognition, but also keeps you looping back and forth in a set universe, failing to understand yourself well. When a person fails to understand himself well, his feelings about himself, his notions of right and wrong, the state of his relationship with other people, and his interaction with society will deviate. It is not that he has a problem, but that he cannot find the problem. The situation is like wearing a pair of scratched glasses to see the world since childhood. What you see is only the projection of your own heart, and you cannot accurately respond appropriately and make the best choice for yourself.

All the unsatisfactory things you encounter have a reason for this result. If things don’t go well and you can’t hold back your emotions, you will often see that it’s someone else’s problem and ignore your own situation. Failure to see your own problems results in a lack of opportunities for self-reflection, making it more difficult to perceive and change yourself.

Self-awareness is self-awareness. The totality of human beings can be divided into four levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, corresponding to physical body, emotion, conscious mind, and spiritual talent. Therefore, regarding self-awareness, in addition to the sensitivity of the body, the awareness of one's own emotions, the awareness of thought patterns, and the awareness of the mind, until you know more about yourself, you will begin to work out a systematic overview from some one-sided impressions of yourself. Over time you will become more likely to face or respond to the stimuli and responses of the external world.

I hope that through sharing, more people can embark on a journey that leads to complete success.


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