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Конкурс ИИ-рисунков: "Любимый город глазами робота"

#любимыйгород #будущее #всевидящийробот


Unfortunately, there is no good news.

I know that no one likes sad news. Ukraine is being destroyed. Today there was a hit in the thermal power plant. This happened because there...


First picnic trip.

Today was a really warm day. I tried out the Nature hike hammock, remained wind-up but also surprised.


What I'm most afraid of.

For the third night, Russia is bombing Ukrainian cities. But most of all, what am I afraid of ?I am terrified of a nuclear strike, or a terr...


Russian terrorists insidiously continue to destroy Ukraine.

The murder continues for the second year.


My small homeland

Spring 2024. I was born in this village in 1981. Then it was a port industrial city. Now it's just a village 80 km from the capital of Ukraine.


I want you to cry too.

You're not going to like this.


10th anniversary of the revolution of dignity in Ukraine.

Walk around Kiev to the places of events of the revolution.


Instead of a thousand words.

Anton Gerashchenko Advisor to Internal Affairs Minister (2021-2023)


Beginning of 2024

There was one of the largest attacks on the city of Kiev in two years with ballistic missiles. Thus, the terrorist state Rashka congratulate...


There is some good news and some bad news for

During the night there was an attack on the city where I live and there was a hit. Normally, the Russians would attack the civilians in the town every night.


"Putin's Directive: Creation of Special Psychiatric Institute for LGBT Study Raises Concerns"

For some reason, this news reminded me of George Orwell's 1984.https://twitter.com


On that night, 06.06.23, the Russians organized a terrorist attack.

Terrorists have no place in the civilized world.


04.06.2023. Kyiv Ukraine.

I thank everyone for their concern.


It's my city's birthday.

Expecting a massive drone attack, my family left the city on the eve of Kyiv Day.Quay.But we didn't manage to get a tan.


24.05.2023 One day in my life.

There is absolutely no desire to write anything. So I'll leave some recent photos here.An ordinary cat.A strange sculpture of a cow.The dog ...


My depression.

I'm feeling desperate again. Things are not as bad as they could be. But the depression does not go away. Even the warm sun is cheering me u...


Lina Kostenko's homeland was attacked. The civilian lyceum was destroyed.

"Where are you looking, nations?Today we are you, and tomorrow you are us?"“Куди ж ви дивитесь народи, сьогодні ми, а завтра ви..”Lina Koste...


Mindfulness with crows.

The spring of 2023 has arrived. This year's winter was abnormally warm for Ukraine. But spring is slowly gaining pace. The days are getting ...


February. Year. The war.

One year has 365 days. A year has passed since the beginning of the attack on Ukraine. But tomorrow the war will continue.
