"No Putin", "No War" "没有普京","没有战争"。

# russiaIsATerroristState - 视频

@Poklonskaya80 - tweets (link)

Pussy Riot


作为谴责俄罗斯乌克兰战争的表演行动 "拒绝普京"、"拒绝战争 "的一部分,传统上会在非法肖像上撒尿。

Pussy Riot


as part of the performance action "No Putin", "No War" condemning Russia's war in Ukraine, traditionally peed on the portrait of the illegitimate.


Over the past few weeks, Russian terrorists have launched ballistic missiles and killed many civilians in their homes.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


vlad1vpole- TG: vlad1vpole | _______ Wallet address: ↓ Atom ↓ . cosmos1y9prgw5ymtvygvgxyl50t2kzfr43dm0xvjpy7e .
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The 835th day of the war.

What do you think about it ?

The Russians are firing at themselves.