納瓦羅《中國戰爭即將到來》的「星際大戰」版讀書心得 A Star Wars fan’s Reading Report of “The Coming China Wars” by Peter…


納瓦羅《中國戰爭即將到來》的「星際大戰」版讀書心得 A Star Wars fan’s Reading Report of “The Coming China Wars” by Peter Navarro


In fact, global trade war started from 1980's. And WWIII with rate,QE. & currency as weapons already started after 2008 Economic Tsunami.


Navarro said that China started wars in 8 aspects: piracy(Fugazi),drugs, Air Pollution, oil, imperialism, Water Resources,Chinese Civil war & time bombs(diseases…).

這本納瓦羅舊作裡,空污、水資源、經濟泡沫,是目前變糟的面向。In this old book of Peter Navarro, 3 aspects were getting worse.

空氣污染與暖化戰;毒霧霾就是自殘,Air Pollution is a China suicide act.


The toxic haze forced cities as Beijing & Shanghai to close their airports often. All the economic achievements vanished in the toxic haze.


China made huge mistakes in Water Resources war. China built huge dams at upper of Mekong River caused the biggest drought in 100 yrs. As a result in 2016, rices could be short for all Asia including China.


Vietnam blamed China for this. And Vietnam is undefeated since 1954 & made 3 T.K.O. (France,United States & China). It’s really not a good idea to take water & foods away from a tiger like Vietnam.


When economic bubbles of China crashed, rest of world rely on China market would fall apart too.


Xi Jinping is a “lame version” of Supreme Leader Snoke. Xi tried to build his private First Order Empire without the help of Kylo Ren. And Xi Jinping is “trying “ to be the biggest threat on Earth.


Trump is nothing but a politician of the Old Republic in Star Wars. No matter how much you hate Trump,he’s not capable to be a candidate of Dark lord. There’re only one person could be the potential candidate of Dark lord.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the “Candidate” means “could be but not yet “.


Taiwanese should understand that it’s impossible to find anyone to be the president to affect the evil ambition of China to take Taiwan down as fast as they could. Dark forces was determined to invade Naboo & You can’t fool the dark force by faking weak.


Xi Jinping would start a war to covered that he had lost control of China. He is a step away from Darth Sidious but lack of dark charms.


If there was a Star Wars movie about the world situation of 2017, it should be the story between “Rogue One” & “A New Hope”.

壞消息是:原力尚未與我們同在。The bad news is: Force isn’t with us, yet.



The Coming China Wars

作者: 納瓦羅 Peter Navarro


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