⚾️🏟 阪神 甲子園 歷史館 台灣 球迷劃重點 Tips for Taiwanese Baseball Fans at the Museum of Hanshin Koshien Stadium

The good article “The Hanshin Koshien Stadium continues burning KANO spirit” written by the Japanese author Joel Fukuzawa recalled me a few things I noticed in this stadium as a baseball fan that I wanna share with everyone.

The Museum of Hanshin Koshien Stadium collected all of Japanese high school baseball history since 1924, but this small museum itself is also the “collection” of the Hanshin Koshien Stadium.
The origin and extension of the movie “KANO”

In addition to the origin of the movie “KANO”: the original jerseys of the Chiayi Tech and Farm high school baseball team, “Koshien Way” displays all the listed high school commemorative baseballs, next to the Chiayi Nonglin Memorial Ball, and other Taiwanese high schools that have participated in the competition. Commemorative ball.

KANO - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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signature balls

There are also other celebrity signature balls displayed. The film “KANO” director Ma Zhixiang and the scriptwriter Wei Desheng’s signature ball will remain forever.

However, this is not only a surprise, actor Ken Watanabe & a lot of celebrities but also have signatures ball show here.
渡邊謙 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
渡邊謙从出演電視劇出道,後成為電影演員。他的代表作包括NHK大河劇《 獨眼龍政宗》及電影《 末代武士》。他憑《 末代武士》於2004年获 奧斯卡最佳男配角奖提名,此片更使他为國際電影界所知。此后他与好莱坞导演多次合作,出演过…zh.wikipedia.org
反町隆史 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
反町隆史(本名: 野口隆史,1973年12月19日-), 日本藝人。出生于 埼玉县 埼玉市 南区。16歲時擔任模特兒。1997年的電視劇《海灘男孩》(Beach boy)開始走紅,1998年凭借由 关西电视台制作的漫画改编作品"…zh.wikipedia.org
Japanese legendary baseball stars’ exhibition

There’re a lot of Japanese baseball star players to play in Major League Baseball, such as Suzuki Ichiro , Tanaka Masahiro , which have valuable historical and signature golf equipment, flags on display here.
Legendary stars’ relief of Hanshin Koshien Stadium

n the other side of the stadium, the world’s greatest baseball player Babe Ruth relief.
貝比·魯斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

In the Hanshin Tigers, the Japanese star Tomoaki Kanemoto, who has consistently set a world record, has also been erected next to Babe Ruth.
金本知憲 - Wikipedia
失意の中、知人から 東北福祉大学を紹介され一般受験で入学。 同野球部では、恩師として名前を挙げる監督・ 伊藤義博の下で1年からレギュラーとなり、…ja.wikipedia.org
Tomoaki Kanemoto was later the head coach of Hanshin Tiger, and his pressure on the stadium with his own relief must be enormous.
The advice from Hanshin Tiger fans
I am not a Hanshin Tiger fan. Before I went here, there were two kind Hanshin Tiger fans who advised me: “You love to wear baseball fans clothes to travel, but Hanshin Tiger fans are very strong, to avoid any unnecessary friction. It is best not to wear any other Japanese baseball team clothes to go to the stadium.”
II’ll keep that in mind & you should do too.
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