Kaiwind on Li Hongzhi’s Order to Disband All Falun Dafa Associations

Kaiwind’s report on the Chang Ching-Hsi vs United Daily News case(which proves that Li Hongzhi did order to disband all Falun Dafa associations and their affiliated organizations in 2010).

{Kaiwind’s report on the Chang Ching-Hsi vs United Daily News case(which proves that Li Hongzhi did order to disband all Falun Dafa associations and their affiliated organizations in 2010). The original article was terribly full of mistakes and misspellings, so I made many corrections.}


Falun Gong media keep silent over Chang Ching-Hsi’s defeat (photo)


Source: Kaiwind By Chen Ming(晨鸣)

Falun Gong once initiated its propaganda to recklessly hype the lawsuit concerning accuser Chang Ching-Hsi(張清溪), president of the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association(台灣法輪大法學會), and defendants including Hu Li-Tai (胡立台), president of United Daily News, and Lo Kuo-Chun(羅國俊), chief editor of United Daily News.

An article titled "Taiwan: Falun Dafa Association Sues Newspaper for Forging a Document and Libel (Photos)" was published on Minghui.org on June 9, 2010 (https://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2010/6/9/225139.html . Its English equivalent: https://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2010/6/11/117780p.html), claiming that "Chang submitted an indictment to the Taipei District Prosecutors Office and accused Hu and Lo of forging a document and libeling gravely as joint tortfeasors".

The article also attaches a photo of Chang, who seemed swaggering at the gate of Taipei District Prosecutors Office. (See Picture One)

Here was what happened. Yang Wei-Hsiang(楊為祥), a Falun Gong practitioner in Taiwan, read a Minghui article titled <Continue to Walk Well the "Great Way Without Form">(Chinese: https://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2010/4/26/222307.html ; English: https://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2010/5/2/116606.html) on April 26, 2010. She thought that the article "does against the doctrine of immaterial cause of great morality stated by her master Li Hongzhi and disregard the life and safety of Falun Gong practitioners". In addition, "since Falun Dafa associations are involved in political affairs, many Falun Gong practitioners have declared to quit Falun Gong".

Based on these facts, Yang published an announcement "Attention: All Falun Gong Practitioners in Taiwan Concerning the Immaterial Cause of Great Morality" (敬告臺灣法輪功學員 大道無形)on the advertisement section at page A10 in the newspaper of United Daily News on May 11, 2010.

Accordingly, Chang submitted an indictment with the announcement to the Taipei District Prosecutors Office, accusing Hu and Lo, respectively the president and chief editor of United Daily News, of the so-called guilt of "forging a document" and requesting for tracing the culpability of grave libel for the defendants and all joint tortfeasors.

On Sep. 16, 2010, the Taipei Prosecutors Office delivered the criminal verdict, rejecting the indictment of Chang. Chang refused to accept and appealed to the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office on Oct. 15, 2010. As a result, the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office made the final verdict on Nov. 1, 2010 that Chang's appeal was invalid. Chang then sued to the Taipei District Court. The written verdict was sent on March 23, 2011(See Picture Two).

The verdict of Taipei District Court:

First, the applicants (Taiwan Falun Dafa Association and its spokesperson Chang) appealed that the 5 defendants, Yang Wei-Hsiang, Wang Hsiao-Lan(王效蘭), Wang Pi-Ch'êng (王必成), Wang Wen-Shan(王文杉) and Chou Tso-Hsien(周作賢), were involved in forging a document and interfering with the applicants’ reputation, and requested to submit the defendants to trial. The appeal doesn't conform to the Law and shall be rejected. (Page 4④)

Second, the applicants requested to submit Hu and Lo to trial for their crime of forging a document. The criminal verdict signed on Nov. 1, 2010 is that the applicants' second appeal be rejected for unlawfulness and groundlessness. The appeal was rejected for being not in line with the first item in term 258 of the Criminal Procedural Law. Here shows its content that the applicant shall not submit to trial based on this section of Law. Thereby, the request of the applicant here is illegal and shall be rejected. (See Page 4)

Third, the applicant requested to submit Hu and Lo to trial for their offenses against personal reputation. The criminal verdict is that the evidence provided by the applicant through investigation suffices to show the publishing act of United Daily but does not suffice to show any libel by the defendants Hu and Lo, the original verdict is appropriate. The appeal shall be rejected for groundlessness. (See Pages 4, 8, 9)

Ironically, Falun Gong media completely turned mute after Chang’s defeat.

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