"Changes After Cancer #15" Learn how vegetables look.


I never cook in the past,
I only know the appearance of vegetables placed in a plate,
As for their true colors,
To be serious,
I only know carrots, onions, cabbage, green peppers, tomatoes and cauliflower.
Some are must-buy cheap vegetables for long-distance overseas trips,
Some are their favorite vegetables,
The impression will be very deep.

The well-known onions and garlic,
I've never guessed right.
Not to mention those leafy vegetables that look super similar.
I only know sweet potato leaves and water spinach,
Others don't know.
Even if you eat hundreds of times,
I still don't know what kind of food I eat.
All I can say is that I don't really have any requirements for food.
Just enough to fill your stomach.

However, since my parents made a small farm for me,
There are also many kinds of vegetables silently appearing in every corner of the house.
In addition, I occasionally go to my parents' happy farm to hang out,
Vegetable friends who were very unfamiliar in the past,
As the number of encounters increased,
also become familiar.
Even I started to wonder about their growth history,
It was like this when I was a kid!
The flowers are so beautiful!
It turned out to be planted in water to survive!

In the past, I only regarded vegetables as a necessity for survival,
Only take a few bites if necessary.
After personal contact,
Just discovered,
It turns out that each vegetable not only has its own appearance,
also has its own personality,
and their small bodies,
In fact, more careful care is needed.

Also because I deeply feel that vegetables are not easy to come by,
I can have a grateful heart,
Seriously, fine,
To enjoy, to taste the vegetables that have finally grown up.

me now,
I dare not say that I know all the vegetables,
But at least when going to the market,
Still can identify some vegetables that appear from time to time,
This is also a big improvement!


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