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I really like the warmth and joy brought by him, who can still have fun in difficult times. The road ahead is bumpy, and we walk side by side, suffering all the way, and joy all the way.


I'm sorry to tease and tease the viewers here, this is a picture that my baby dad found on the internet somewhere. I really like the warmth and joy brought by him, who can still have fun in difficult times. The road ahead is bumpy, and we walk side by side, suffering all the way, and joy all the way.

Regarding the national nucleic acid test, both I and the general public thought that there would be a short-term relief after completing the 6 rounds of testing, and at least a few days of rest, because it was really hard, but when I turned around for a press conference, it left a thunderbolt, and announced that it will start tomorrow. In the following week, citizens are requested to continue to make appointments for 4 rounds of testing, and the city will be suspended for an unprecedented 7 days. In an instant, the definition of "liberation" in my heart completely fell apart, and I slumped to "untie" the neckband and "take off" the pure protective clothing. The first thing I found was that the skin under the robe was soaked whiter than the clothes. Finished this week, to be continued next week, for several days in a row, complaining with everyone. My husband saw me with a bitter face, so he took the screenshot above.

Every day around the world, events of different sizes are taking place. Recently, there have been stabbing deaths of former leaders, small countries declared bankruptcy, 18 servants escaped with pets in a fire at a female star mansion, and the United Nations said that the number of hungry people in the world has increased to 828 million.. ... etc., etc. In the past, every piece of news could be the subject of hot discussion or debate among the people, and it could be chewed for a while after a meal. Today, we are so busy fighting against the epidemic that we don’t know the weather day and night. News pages and social platforms are also full of epidemic dynamics. The public is tired of arranging daily life and regular quarantine under the epidemic. The new crown epidemic is so close And the international news is so far away, the other side of the city is burning, and the fire is not as close as the eyes, and everyone has no time to comment.

Earlier, the government stated that when the number of infected people exceeded 5,000, it would implement home isolation. Occasionally, some people would come out and spread rumors, scaring the general public to panic buying. But this time it seems to be really different. I have to follow the trend and go out to fight for supplies, especially anti-epidemic materials such as masks, test sticks and face shields, and daily food. The Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng, issued an instruction in accordance with the "Infectious Disease Prevention Law", from 0:00 on July 11 to 0:00 on the 18th to suspend the operation of all non-essential industrial and commercial companies and establishments, but companies required for public services and residents' lives or place excepted. In other words, it's the city-wide standstill, 7 days from tomorrow. If they are not required to stay at home, offenders can be imprisoned for up to two years or fined up to 240 days. When residents must go out, adults must wear masks of KN95 or above standard, and minors can wear masks of other standards when they are not qualified. The relevant measures are to reduce the movement of non-essential people, minimize the risk of virus transmission, achieve the epidemic prevention goal of "dynamic clearing" as soon as possible, and restore normal social operations. Nowadays, in addition to the regular announcement of the waiting time and the number of people at the testing station, even the supermarket also has a special page for checking the number of people queuing outside the door.

Everyone in my grandfather's workplace was infected. Yesterday morning, it was turned into a red code, and then he was notified and taken to the quarantine hotel, so he was completely unaware of the turmoil in the world outside the window. We laughed and said that people with red codes were pitied and thought they were the ones who lost their freedom. Today's red codes are very desirable. They stay in a safe environment, they don't have to run materials and they don't have to discharge nucleic acids. The meal cost is arranged by a special person. Like other animals, not only did they not lose their freedom, but they were unrestrained and unintentional to destroy them. I really envy them. I keep in touch with my grandfather through video every day, and I hope he will protect himself well. The hotel is full of yin and qi, so that he can always maintain a "negative" result. I am also surprised that I am still in the mood to joke at this moment. Across the screen, the two sides seem to be different worlds, a heaven and a hell.

(Summary of the epidemic situation: The epidemic has continued for three weeks, and 71 new cases were added the day before yesterday, which is a slight decline, and the total number of cases has reached 1,374. Yesterday evening, the national nucleic acid test was completed three times a week in a row, and 4 times in a row for 8 days from today. Immediately after the start. The whole city will be suspended for 7 days, and those who violate the order will be punished according to law.)


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司湜 生長於澳門。五行缺木,命定與書紙為伍。土性,卻實際上是個水漾人。水是......
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